Fragmentation works best when PDQ priority is applied. 当应用PDQ优先级时,运用分段存储工作得最好。
The question is, then, how do we keep the balance of using system and Informix resources so that it won't harm or rather slow down the execution of non-PDQ queries? 接下来的问题是,我们如何维持系统和Informix资源的使用平衡,使它不会受损害,更确切地说是不会减慢非PDQ查询的执行呢?
Since PDQ priority uses more threads to process a query than the normal way, it will shorten data access time. 因为PDQ优先级使用比常规方法更多的线程来处理一个查询,所以它将缩短数据访问时间。
Allocating memory for non-PDQ queries 为非PDQ查询分配内存
Once you have created the data source, you can set the data-source-level pdq properties in the same way you do for a single server. 创建完数据源之后,就能够像在单独的服务器中一样设置data-source-levelpdq属性。
PDQ priority works on the basis of'divide and conquer '. That is, Informix Dynamic Server breaks up complicated queries into much smaller pieces. PDQ优先级的工作原理是“各个击破(divideandconquer)”,InformixDynamicServer将复杂查询拆散成多个较小的部分。
Alternatively, implicit PDQ must be set in the current session. 或者隐含的PDQ必须设置在当前对话中。
Fragmentation and PDQ priority also have a huge effect on the speed of data retrieval and will help table scans. 分段和PDQ优先级也对于数据的检索速度有极大的影响,并有助于表扫描。
You can specify how much memory is allocated to non-PDQ queries. 现在,您就可以指定为非PDQ查询分配多少内存。
Fragmentation and PDQ priority 分段和PDQ优先级
Check for clinical trials from NCI's PDQ Cancer Clinical Trials Registry that are now accepting patients with unresectable gallbladder cancer. NCI的患者信息查询信息,癌症临床试验登记处现在正在接收手术无法切除的胆囊癌患者。
This machine is a horizontal plate clamp PDQ. 这种机器是PDQ型水平钢板夹钳。
Our products includes color box, PDQ, corrugated box, book and poster. 我们的产品包括彩盒,展示盒,瓦楞纸箱,书籍和海报等。
Fill in the form and get it back to me pdq. 把表格填好。马上交还给我。
Method of the checking and repairing CAD data of PDQ NP PDQNP对CAD数据的检测与修复方法
Assessment of Personality Disorders by PDQ~ (+ 4) among Beijing Medical Students 人格障碍评估研究:PDQ~(+4)在北京医学生中的试用
PDQ NP, a software for the checking and repairing the CAD data of the automobile has provided a basis for the optimizing of the CAD; 汽车CAD数模质量检测与修复软件PDQNP为汽车CAD优化提供依据;
Methods: For screening personality disorder, PDQ+ 4 was administrated to a sample of 661 students of a normal university in Guangzhou province. 方法:以PDQ-4+为工具,按照整群抽样的原则调查某师范大学研究生661人。
Methods: PDQ+ 4 was administered to the sample to screen personality disorder patients. Cluster-B personality disorder patients were then diagnosed by Personality Disorder Interview-IV ( PDI-IV). 方法:先用PDQ+4问卷筛查,再以PDI-IV对筛查的阳性被试进行半定式查询确诊B群人格障碍患者,然后用童年期创伤性经历问卷(CTQ)测查所有被试的童年负性经历。
Objective: To investigate the personality characteristics and the positive rate of personality disorders in postgraduates, and to explore the adaptability of PDQ+ 4 in this cluster of Chinese culture. 目的:用人格诊断问卷(PDQ-4+)对研究生群体进行筛查,探讨PDQ-4+在该群体中的适用性,以及探索研究生人格障碍的特点。