Equation of State of Detonation Products for PETN Explosive PETN炸药爆轰产物状态方程的理论研究
The Binary Phase Diagram and Eutectic System for DNTF/ PETN DNTF/PETN体系的二元相图及低共熔物
Solidification degree of PETN composite explosive would affect ultrasonic attenuation. 介绍泰安混合炸药固化程度对超声波衰减的影响。
Refinery PETN through re crystallization in solvent by using fatted crude PETN by concentrated nitric acid as raw material was produced. 以季戊四醇经浓硝酸酯化后的粗制太安为原料,在溶剂下重结晶得精制成品太安。
The experimental studies on initiating low density PETN by electrically exploded metallic foils 电爆炸箔引爆纯太安的实验研究
Numerical simulation of laser initiation in PETN 激光引爆PETN炸药的数值模拟
A Study of Decreasing Acid Value of Booster Pellets Used PETN 传爆药柱用太安降低酸值的研究
Experiments were carried out to study the synthesis of ultrafine aluminum oxide by the detonation of aluminum nitrate and PETN mixture. 论述了利用硝酸铝和炸药混合爆轰合成纳米氧化铝的实验研究。
Mechanism of Evaporating PETN Explosive Film 蒸镀太安薄膜的机理研究
Effect of pentaerythritol tetranitrate ( PETN) on blood and liver function in rats 太安对大鼠血常规和肝功能的影响
Surface Treatment of PETN via Decreasing Static Electricity 太安的降静电表面处理
Molecular Structure and Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants ( NQCC) of~ ( 14) N in PETN 泰安分子结构与~(14)N核四极共振参数的关系
The purpose of this paper is to find the effects of the size of exploded foils and burst current densities on the initiation behavior of PETN. 主要研究了爆炸箔尺寸和爆炸电流密度对引爆过程的影响。
Process Research on Crystalline to Improve PETN Bulk Density 提高太安堆积密度的结晶工艺研究
The PETN bulk density affected by different solvents, crystallization speed& solution pH value was discussed. 讨论了不同溶剂、结晶速度、结晶溶液pH值对太安堆积密度的影响。关键词:太安;
Ultrasonic testing of solidification degree of PETN composite explosive 泰安混合炸药固化程度的超声监测
The calculations and experimental data show that the laser initiation of PETN samples with above windows can be attributed to the thermal mechanism. 结果表明,这两种窗口情况下,炸药起爆都是热机制。
On the ba-sis of primary research on both theory and experiment, the paper proposes a new viewpoint of nondestructive testing of the solidification degree of PETN composite explosive by ultrasonic bottom-echo amplitude. 提出了利用超声底波幅度无损监测泰安炸药固化程度的新观点,并从理论和实验上进行了初步探索。
The HE initiated by SCB is researched by changing the parameters of the capacitor discharge unit ( CDU) and the density of the original charge. The explosive initiated is re-crystallized PETN filled in a copper shell with diameter 6.2 mm and it's wall thickness 0.3 mm; 通过改变快速放电的脉冲电容器放电装置(CDU)参数,研究了用电爆炸半导体桥起爆不同密度的重结晶泰安炸药的情况,装药壳体是外径为6.2mm的紫铜,壁厚0.3mm。
For the middle of Jin Dynasty Taikang nine years to two years free of petn. 中期为晋武帝太康九年至晋惠帝太安二年。