This variable holds the two PIDS of the child ( sleep) processes. 该变量保存了子(休眠)进程的两个PID。
A PID tuning method is proposed for inverse response processes. 提出了一种针对反向响应过程的PID控制器整定方法。
Modeling and simulation of PID excitation system with PSS in power system 带PSS的PID励磁控制系统在电力系统中的建模和仿真
Study of PID Control Application on Electro-Hydraulic Servo Loading System PID控制在电液伺服加载系统中应用的研究
PID neural network was designed for electro-hydraulic bending control system. 针对电液弯辊伺服控制系统,设计了PID神经网络控制器。
As the incubator temperature control system with large time delay and nonlinearity, conventional PID control parameters tuning difficult. 由于恒温箱温度控制系统具有大时滞和非线性特性,常规PID控制参数难以整定。
PID controller design method based on probabilistic robustness was presented for thermal process with varied parameters. 针对具有实参数不确定性的热工过程,基于概率鲁棒方法,提出一种PID控制器设计方法。
PID control technology in the batching system PID控制技术在配料系统中的应用
It is almost impossible to achieve a stable closed-loop control of this parameter with a PID regulator. 使用PID调节器对这种工艺参数实现稳定闭环控制几乎不可能。
The extensive use of the PID algorithm PLC control procedures can achieve a good ratio control system. 采用应用广泛的PID控制算法的PLC控制程序能过很好的实现比值控制系统。
This paper studies the optimum proportional-integral-derivative ( PID) controller design for a DC motor position control. 本论文主要讨论直流马达定位控制之比例-积分-微分(PID)控制器最佳化的设计方法。
Fuzzy PID control was superior to conventional PID control. 模糊PID控制效果明显优于传统的PID控制。
At last, the strategy of the fuzzy control adjusting PID is put forward. 最后提出了模糊控制调节PID参数的控制策略。
A fractional order PID controller design method is proposed for the fractional order system model in this paper. 本文针对分数阶受控对象,提出了一种分数阶PID控制器的设计方法。
A new design approach for self-tuning PID controller with parameter optimization is proposed in this paper. 该文提出一种适用于一阶或二阶加延迟系统的自校正比例-积分-微分控制器的设计方法。
A sliding mode synchronization controller of the reticle stage was added to the conventional PID control system. 在常规PID控制系统基础上增加了掩模台精动滑模同步控制器。
On this basis, the temperature control system for this type stack is designed, and the fuzzy-PID fusion control algorithm is used. 在此基础上设计了该类电堆的温度控制系统,提出了模糊PID融合控制算法。
Fuzzy PID; Temperature controller; Embedded system; 模糊PID;温度控制;嵌入式系统;
Study of Temperature Control System Based on Self-tuning PID Controller 基于自整定PID控制器的温度控制系统研究
The tension control based on fuzzy learning-search PID and simulation research are also introduced. 对基于模糊自适应PID的张力控制及仿真研究进行了阐述。
A synthesized control scheme between PID controller and repetitive controller in serial topology structure is presented. 提出了一种采用PID控制器和重复控制器串联拓扑结构的单相逆变器复合控制方案。
Feedforward compensation based on the PID control algorithm. 基于前馈补偿的PID控制算法。
Research and application of adaptable fuzzy-PID controller 自适应模糊PID控制器的研究与应用
Fuzzy logic controller is based on PID controller, and control action is implemented by classical PID. 模糊逻辑控制器以PID控制器为基础,控制动作由常规PID实现。
According to the non-linear mapping relations between PID controller each control variable and error, design non-linear PID controller. 根据PID控制器各控制参数与偏差之间的非线性映射关系,设计非线性PID控制器。
The structure and design principle are analyzed, and the parameter self-tuning fuzzy PID algorithm is also introduced. 分析其结构和设计原理,介绍参数自整定模糊PID算法的实现。
By using the property of chaos ergodicity, a PID controller based on chaos optimization was designed. 利用混沌运动遍历性和随机性的特点,对PID控制器进行参数寻优。
An adaptive fuzzy PID controller based on variable universe is applied to the excitation system of synchronous generator. 将变论域自适应模糊PID控制器应用于同步发电机的励磁调节与控制中。
The fuzzy controllers were used to replace PID torque adjustor and PID flux adjustor of VVVF vector control system. 用模糊控制器代替VVVF矢量控制系统的PID转矩调节器和PID磁链调节器。
PID control Automatic tuning Expert control Multivariable system; PID控制;自整定;专家控制;多变量系统;