It was foundation of improving the soil PK nutrient to applying the PK fertilizer. 施用磷肥和钾肥是提高土壤磷钾养分的基础。
Effective cost management is the source of company profit, the important tool used for PK with competitors as well. 有效的成本管理是企业利润的源泉,也是我们在激烈的市场竞争中与竞争对手PK的重要工具。
This is what you are interested in the technology and not really very high-level of the PK. 这都看你的技术和兴趣,不是高级就真的很强PK的。
In my opinion that is what the spirit PK advocates and conveys. 我认为这正是PK所倡导和承载的精神所在。
Crimp cap, silver aluminum one piece, 100/ pk. 钳口盖,银白色铝质,一体式100/包。
Spokesman Lee said the competition re-opening assessment of the voting public, also full reference to the audience and the views of netizens," Happy Men "PK increase audience interaction. 新闻发言人李浩表示,比赛重新启用大众评审这一投票方式,也是充分参考了观众和网友的意见,让“快乐男声”的PK增加观众的互动性。
I thought you had left for PK. 我原以为你已去了北京了。
But now they have singled out the meaning of the meaning of the term PK is now becoming more and more widely, and some people even fighting and is also used to describe the PK. 现在也有单挑的意思,现在PK一词的含义变得越来越广,有的人甚至连打架斗殴也用PK来形容。
The predictive performance of entropy was evaluated by prediction probability ( Pk). 通过预测概率评价熵指数对意识状态的预测效果。
Objective Using the located locus for DSP, we perform a cosmical mutation screening and the mutation analysis for candidate genes in order to find the disease gene causing DSP, and then clarify the pathogenesis of PK more clearly. 目的对已定位的浅表播撒型汗孔角化症致病区段的候选基因进行大规模突变筛查及突变分析,以识别该病的致病基因,进一步阐明汗孔角化症的发病机制。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of a new tumor marker Tumor M2 PK in gastrointestinal cancer. 目的评估一种新的肿瘤标志物&肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶(TumorM2-PK)对于胃肠道恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。
Objective: To study the perioperative changes of erythrocyte pyruvate kinase ( PK) activity. 目的:观察围术期红细胞内丙酮酸激酶(PK)活性的变化。
PURPOSE: To compare the postoperative graft rejection, endothelial cell density and astigmatism of deep lamellar keratoplasty ( DLK) with penetrating keratoplasty ( PK) on rabbits. 目的:比较穿透性角膜移植术与深板层角膜内皮移植术在术后免疫排斥反应、内皮细胞及散光度数的差异。
MFFC& MLD is ft for translation and share of PK among people. 用MFFC&MLD表示的流程知识适合于在人与人之间共享和传播。
Conclusions Val and PK all could effectively ameliorate left ventricular remodeling of hypertension, especially combined Val and PK. 结论PK能有效的改善高血压左室重构,与Val合用效果更佳。
Conclusion Artemether showed a heme-dependent effect on the PGK and PK activities in schistosomes. 结论蒿甲醚对血吸虫PGK和PK的影响具有血红素依赖性。
The genomic DNA of pseudorabies virus TK/ gI gene-deleted strain was extracted and digested by AscI, and the 8.7 kb fragment containing the whole PK gene was reclaimed. 以伪狂犬病毒TK/gI缺失疫苗株为亲本株,提取病毒基因组DNA,用限制性内切酶AscⅠ酶切基因组获得含完整PK基因的8.7kb片段。
By using the results of stabilizer and coset in group theory, we discusses the number of subgroups of a finite group G of order pk. 本文利用基础代数中有关稳定子、陪集等理论,给出了有限群G中pk阶子群个数的一个结果。
Determine the concentration of CFP and TAZ in serum, draw the interpolated pharmacokinetic curve and calculate the main PK parameter. 拟合药代动力学曲线及计算主要PK参数。
[ Methods] 8 healthy rabbits were injected with acetaminophen at 20 mg/ kg in Dazhui acupoint. Plasma concentration of acetaminophen was regularly determined by HPLC and the data were analyzed with DAS PK software. 方法:健康家兔8只,扑热息痛单剂量(20mg/kg)于大椎穴注射后,在规定时间点采血,HPLC检测血药浓度,DAS药动学软件处理药时数据。
The results showed that there was significant correlation between the key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation ( nitrate reductase, NR; glutamine synthetase, GS) and Ca 2+/ CaM dependent protein kinase ( Ca 2+/ CaM PK). 结果表明,氮同化关键酶硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性同Ca2+/CaM依赖性蛋白激酶(Ca2+/CaMPK)活性之间存在明显的相关性。
Firstly, the three-step synthesis process conditions of PK were studied. 首先,对聚醚改性硅氧烷磷酸酯盐的三步合成反应的工艺条件进行了研究。
It is suggested that an increase in the central extra-cellular calcium ions induce depressor effect in rats with hypertension induced by stress, these effects may be related to the CaM and Ca2+/ Cam-PK. 结果提示:中枢细胞外ca~(2+)增加对应激性高血压大鼠的降压作用,可能与钙调素和钙/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶有关。
To explore relationship between the essence of Spleen Deficiency Syndrome ( SDS) and pharmacokinetic characteristics ( PK). 目的:探索胃肠动力学与药物动力学(PK)的关系。
The concentration-times data were analyzed with PK-GRAPH. 采用药物动力学软件(PK-GRAPH)分析药物浓度-时间数据。
Motif search results indicate that there are a variety of N-glycosylation sites, protein kinase C phosphorylation sites, pyruvate kinase active sites and other functional domains on PK. 模体搜索结果表明在PK上具有多种N-糖基化位点、蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点、丙酮酸激酶活性位点等多个功能结构域。
The effects on leaf area with different levels of N, P, Kand interact of NK, PK were limit significant. 不同水平的氮、磷、钾以及氮钾、磷钾的交互作用都对绿玉菊叶面积的影响存在极显著差异。
Gender, types of traumatic events or types of diagnosis in patients with SD did not substantially influence PK scores. When an optimal cut-off point of 17 was utilized, sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis with PK are respectively 94.9% and 66.7%. 不同性别、不同创伤经历和不同诊断分类的SD患者的PK分数无显著差异,使用原始分17分为最佳截断点时,PK诊断SD的灵敏度为94.9%,特异度为66.7%。
In glycero metabolic pathway of K. pneumoniae, cutinase gene could be induced by the glycerol because of the native constitutive promoter PK. 在肺炎克雷伯菌的甘油代谢途径中,由于克雷伯菌自身的组成型启动子是PK启动子,在甘油存在的条件下即可表达。