Both industry groups look to magnetic resonance technology as the likely second-generation standard for wireless charging, thanks to its ability to transfer larger quantities of energy and therefore support larger devices such as kitchen appliances. 两大行业组织PMA和A4WP都认为,磁共振很有可能将成为无线充电技术的第二代标准,因为磁共振可以传输更多的电力,足以为厨房用具等用电量更大的设备充电。
Influence of na-mmt-doped on structure and Photochromism of pma/ pvp nanocomposite films Na-MMT掺杂对PMA/PVP复合膜结构及光致变色性能的影响研究
PMA ( positive mental attitude) and self-discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purpose. 积极的态度和自律精神能转移负面情绪带来的危害并服务于建设性目标。
The dynamic model of PMA system was developed easily according to the new concept and the dynamic model of pneumatic cylinder. 提出将气动人工肌肉视为带有弹性负载的变截面气缸的观点,方便地建立了气动人工肌肉系统动态数学模型。
Conclusion: The infection of PMA should be pard attention to clinical doctors and inspectors. 结论:嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌引起的感染应引起临床医生及检测人员的高度重视。
PMA figure rotation with cue. 有效提示的PMA图形旋转。
The up-regulation and redistribution of TorsinA is not caused by the pathway of the PMA activating PKC after cells insulted by oxidative stress. 结论扭转蛋白A可能是膜相关蛋白,细胞氧化应激中扭转蛋白A表达上调和重分布变化不是由佛波酯诱导的蛋白激酶C活化途径来实现的。
The configuration design and analysis of navigation drive in the PMA of lunar rover 月球车桅杆系统导航驱动器设计与分析
Based on the establishment of mathematic model, this paper analyses dynamic behavior of the PMA. 在建立了永磁操动机构动态特性数学模型的基础上,分析了永磁机构的运动特性。
Configuration Design of Mast Deployment Drive in the PMA of Lunar Rover 月球车桅杆系统的展开驱动器结构设计
To reserve the best seats, please complete the booking form by21 Jan ( Sun) and hand in your cheque ( payable to "PMA Music Foundation Ltd." or cash to HKPMA staff during rehearsal. 为预留最佳座位给予阁下,请于1月21日(星期日)前填妥订购回条,并连同现金或划线支票(支票抬头「乐苗基金有限公司」),于排练时交予本会职员。
The evaluation of probabilistic constraints in Probabilistic Structural Design Optimization ( PSDO) can be carried out using the recently proposed performance measure approach ( PMA). 概率结构优化设计(PSDO)中概率约束的评定可以采用最近提出的、被认为更高效、稳定的功能度量法(PMA)。
You need a definite major purpose, applied faith in that purpose, and the personal initiative to act in ways that express your PMA. 你订定,将信心运用到上,并且以心态为基础,展现你的个人进取心。
The core idea of success is Positive Mental Attitude ( PMA). Attitude is everything. 成功的核心理念是“积极心态”。“态度决定一切”。
Study of Cytoskeleton Change in Rat Synoviocytes Induced by PMA 佛波酯诱导大鼠滑膜细胞骨架改变的研究
The next two chapters will teach you more principles that both support and sustain your PMA. 以下二章将告诉你更多维系积极心态的原则。
PMA is the most important aspect of any attractive personality; 积极心态是具有吸引力最重要的个性。
SNP inhibited the c fos gene expression of cardiomyocytes induced by A ⅱ, ET 1 or PMA as well. 硝普钠对可抑制AⅡ,ET1和PMA诱导心肌细胞原癌基因CFos的表达。
Objective To study the role of EET 11,12 in porcine coronary and pulmonary micro-arteries. 目的探讨11,12环氧二十碳三烯酸(EET11,12)在猪冠状微动脉(CMA)和肺微动脉(PMA)内皮细胞中的功能。
Results The MFI of CD4 channel decreased with the increase of PMA concentration and the prolonging of co-culture time. 结果CD4通道的MFI随PMA质量浓度的升高和刺激时间的延长而降低。
This suggested PMA benefit the growth of soma and process. 说明PMA有利于胞体及突起的生长。
The PMA solution was prepared by free radical polymerization with maleic anhydride acting as monomer in presence of peroxide. 本研究选用马来酸酐为单体,以过氧化物为引发剂,通过自由基聚合的方式合成制备聚马来酸(PMA)水溶液。
This paper discuss PMA working principle and provide a processor model. 本文分析了PMA工作原理。并给出一个处理机模型。
In this PMA, opening and blocking structure is adopted. 该PMA采用开放式、模块化结构;
The tolerance to TNF m of SGC 7901 cell which had been treated with PMA was greatly enhanced. 佛波酯处理后的SGC7901细胞对肿瘤坏死因子突变体(TNF-m)的耐受性显著增强。
PMA is a typical PKC agonists. PMA是典型的PKC激动剂。
The isomerization of α-pinene catalyzed by PMA demonstrated high activity and special selectivity. PMA催化α-蒎烯异构化反应具有很高的活性和特殊的选择性。