Objective: To study the mechanical properties of the PMMA denture-base enhanced by carbon fiber cloth. 目的:研究碳纤维织布增强聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)基托的机械性能。
Research Progress of Carbon Nanotubes/ PMMA Composites 纳米碳管/PMMA复合材料的研究进展
The critical bending radius of PMMA polymer optical fiber is measured, By using grating monochromator, the exiting spectrums of the mode filters with different dimensions are measured. 对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)芯聚合物光纤的临界弯曲半径进行了测试,利用光栅单色仪对采用不同尺寸滤模器的光纤出射光谱进行了测量。
The transparent lampshade is made from PMMA, which has the properties of high strength and high light transmission. 透明灯罩采用光学级PMMA制作而成,强度高、透光性好;
The properties of plastic lens applied in3D virtual displays are studied and a Polymethyl Methacrylate ( PMMA) optical system for glasses-type virtual displays is presented. 研究了塑料透镜在3D虚拟显示头盔光学系统中的应用,设计了适用于眼镜式虚拟微显示器的全塑料(聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂-PMMA)光学系统。
Preparation and Characterization of Structure Controllable Three-Layered PMMA/ PAN/ PMMA Core-Shell Microspheres 结构可控PMMA/PAN/PMMA三层核壳聚合物微球的制备与表征
Structure and Thermal Properties of PMMA/ Montmorillonite Nanocomposites PMMA/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的结构及热性能
The living PMMA was prepared by group transfer polymerization of MMA. 支链活性聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯由基团转移聚合制备。
In this paper the application of a permanent-magnet particle velometer in impact test for PMMA is presented in detail. 详细介绍应用恒磁质点速度计对有机玻璃冲击研究的全过程。
A study of denture base Ag-carrying zeolite/ PMMA antibacterial composite material 载银沸石/PMMA抗菌复合义齿基托材料的研究
Mechanical properties of PMMA bone cement modified with ultra-fine glass fibers 超细玻璃纤维改性PMMA骨水泥力学性能研究
In-situ Preparation and Wear Resistance of Aligned MWNTS/ PMMA Composites 定向MWNTs/PMMA的原位聚合制备及耐磨损性
Preparation and Characterization of Bulk PMMA/ TiO_2 Hybrids Material 块状PMMA/TiO2有机-无机杂化材料的制备与表征
The surface modification of nano-SiO_2 with PMMA polymer grafting and its dispersibility 纳米SiO2表面PMMA高分子接枝改性及分散性的研究
Study on Preparation and Properties of Organic-inorganic Hybrid PMMA/ TiO_2 Nanocomposites 有机-无机杂化纳米复合材料PMMA/TiO2的制备及性能研究
Mechanical and Optical Properties of PMMA Prepared by Modified Microemulsion Polymerization 改进的微乳液聚合制备的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯的力学和光学性能研究
Study of agcl/ pmma organic-inorganic hybrid membrane 氯化银/聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯有机-无机杂化膜的研究
Mechanical behavior of PMMA under different temperatures and strain rates 不同温度和应变率下PMMA拉伸性能
The ratcheting behaviors of MDYB-3 PMMA during the fatigue under different temperatures were experimentally investigated. 对在不同温度和应力状态下MDYB-3有机玻璃的棘轮效应进行了实验和分析。
PMMA has good impact properties. PMMA具有较好的抗冲击特性。
Study on gas sensitivity property of PANI/ PMMA composites PANI/PMMA复合材料气敏性能研究
The new push-pull azobenzene compound was synthesized and doped into PMMA films. 合成一种新的推拉型偶氮化合物并将掺入PMMA中制成光学薄膜器件。
Preparation and Characterization of Porous PEI and PMMA/ PEI Composite Fiber PEI微孔纤维及PMMA/PEI复合纳米纤维的制备与表征
Investigation on Structure and Property of PVDF/ PMMA and PVDF/ PMMA/ TiO_2 Blends PVDF/PMMA和PVDF/PMMA/TiO2共混体系结构与性能研究
Nanoscale iron particles were entrapped successfully in poly ( methyl methacrylate)( PMMA) by microemulsion polymerization. 采用微乳聚合法成功的用聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂(PMMA)包覆了纳米铁粒子。
Objective To observe Gentamicin PMMA chain in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. 目的观察庆大霉素PMMA珠链在慢性骨髓炎治疗中应用的临床疗效。
Aluminum borate whiskers modified by silane coupling agent to enhance bending force of PMMA 硅烷偶联剂用量对硼酸铝晶须增强PMMA挠曲强度影响的研究
Study on Preparation and Optical Property of PMMA/ Ag/ RB Composite PMMA/Ag/RB复合材料制备及光学性质的研究
An optical technique to quantify the creep crazing damage in stressed transparent glassy polymeric sheet of PMMA is presented. 采用光学显微技术对高聚物蠕变条件下的银纹损伤引发和演化进行了实验观测。