The mathematical model of six-phase PMSG is analyzed and its vector control strategy is given based on the proposed scheme. 分析六相永磁同步发电机数学模型,基于所提出的最佳风能追踪方法,给出六相电机矢量控制策略。
Sensorless control of direct-driven wind power PMSG 直驱型永磁同步风力发电机无传感器控制
Comparison between Encoder and Sensorless Control of PMSG for Direct-driven WECS 直驱风电系统PMSG有无速度传感器控制的比较
Control of a PMSG Based on Incremental Encoder in Direct-drive Wind Power System 基于增量式旋转编码器的永磁风力发电机控制研究
Research on a Kind of PMSG Approximate UPF Control Method 一种PMSG的近似UPF控制方法研究
Wind Power System for PMSG Direct-drive with Multi-sliding Mode Rotor Position Observer 基于多重化滑模观测器的永磁直驱风力发电系统控制研究
Development on Dual-PWM Converter for Direct-driven Wind Power System Based on PMSG 基于永磁同步发电机的直驱风电双脉宽调制变流器的研制
Design and implementation of calculating absolute rotation angle through rotary electronic encoder Control of a PMSG Based on Incremental Encoder in Direct-drive Wind Power System 一种用旋转电子编码器检测绝对角度位置的方法与实现基于增量式旋转编码器的永磁风力发电机控制研究
Research on the VSCF System Based on the Multi-PMSG 基于PMSG的多电机变速恒频风力发电系统的研究
Power Maximization Control of Wind Generator Using PMSG 永磁同步风力发电机最大功率控制的研究
Study on the Control Strategy of Wind Power Generation System Based on PMSG 永磁直驱风力发电系统控制算法的一些研究
Study on the internal model control tactic of PMSG for direct-driven wind power system 永磁直驱风电系统PMSG的内模控制策略研究
Simulation of Maximum Power Control for Direct-drive Wind Power System with PMSG 永磁直驱式风力发电系统中最大功率控制的仿真研究
Design of the Controller of Vertical Axis PMSG Wind Power System 垂直轴永磁风力发电机控制系统设计
A null-balance system is provided by balancing the magnetic forces by electrostatic forces. Sensorless control of direct-driven wind power PMSG 零位平衡系统是靠静电力来平衡磁力而造成的。直驱型永磁同步风力发电机无传感器控制
The Design Study for Disk-type Permanent-magnet Synchronous Generator in the Wind Power Generation System; PMSG UPF Control for Direct-Driven WECS 风力发电用盘式永磁同步发电机的设计研究永磁直驱风电系统永磁同步发电机单位功率因数控制
As the cost of power electronics falls down, the permanent magnetic synchronous generator ( PMSG) with fully-rated converters has become a hot issue. 随着电力电子器件成本下降,拥有全功率变换器的永磁直驱风机成为各国关注热点。
Study on Estrus Synchronization of Sheep with CIDR+ PMSG during Non-Breeding Seasons 利用CIDR+PMSG对乏情期绵羊同期发情处理的研究
Holstein heifer were used to induce estrus using PMSG. 对20头黑白花青年母牛应用孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)处理诱发发情。
Group 1 ( Trinity-hormone): ITC+ PMSG; 试验组1(三合激素法):注射ITC+PMSG;
The test group with PMSG and HCG were compared with the control group in the oestrus rate, conception rate and live farrowing rate. 试验比较了PMSG+HCG与对照组的发情率、受胎率、产仔率等繁殖性能指标。
In this experiment, factors affecting superovulation were studied by comparison of the weight, the time of superovulation treatment and injected hormone ( PMSG/ hCG) doses on the ICR mice. 本实验采用PMSG和hCG对ICR系小鼠进行超数排卵处理,比较小鼠体质量、超排处理时间、激素(PMSG/hCG)注射剂量对超数排卵效果的影响。
In group IV& V, PMSG and LRH-3+ HCG were injected respectively when first and second mating. 第四、第五组是在初配时注射PMSG,复配时分别注射LRH-3和HCG。
The judgement standards for early diagnosis of pregnancy in sows with the PMSG preparation were established. 并确定了用PMSG制剂对母猪进行早期妊娠诊断时的判定标准。
Effects of PMSG on follicle development and granulosa cell apoptosis in the sows. 发情间期注射PMSG对猪卵泡发育及颗粒细胞凋亡的影响;
Research on synchronization of estrus in sheep and goat with progesterone plug plus PMSG and PG 利用孕酮栓+PMSG+PG法对羊同期发情效果的试验研究
Therefore, it is very important to analyze and calculate the loss and heat of PMSG in detail. 因此,对PMSG的损耗和发热进行深入分析与计算具有重要意义。
The results show that the performance of the PMSG has reached the requirement of national standard. 结果表明,该永磁同步风力发电机的性能达到了设计要求和国家标准的要求。
For the converter controller, vector control method in d-q rotational frame is employed, realizing the rotational speed and reactive power control of PMSG as well as the dc voltage and grid voltage control of inverter side. 提出了采用d-q轴旋转坐标系下的矢量控制方法,实现了发电机转速和无功的控制,以及逆变侧直流电压和交流电压的控制。
During the estrus synchronization process, CIDR+ PG+ PMSG could achieve good results. 采用CIDR+PG+PMSG方法处理受体,诱导同期发情,可以获得良好的效果。