网络  光电倍增管; 预定动作时间系统; 多目标跟踪系统; 聚硅氧烷; 封端聚硅氧烷



  1. PMTS skiers learn how to relax into a new turn by using movements that allow the body to move without pushing against the slope and gravity.
  2. This is part of the core PMTS development program that is totally neglected in traditional national systems.
  3. The meaning of the title is focused on the huge difference you can achieve for your skiing, in one day using PMTS to reverse the damaging movements.
  4. Every time you ski with PMTS, expert movements are reinforced, rather than destroyed; and you came closer to the goal of becoming an expert skier.
  5. Becoming an expert skier in a day, is a reality, because with PMTS movements, the day you decide to learn with efficiency, will be your first day into the expert skiing world.
  6. The strength of the PMTS system is the versatility taught to skiers early in the system.
  7. The photomultiplier tubes ( PMTs) are an optical sensor that is used widely in atmospheric monitoring instruments.
  8. These processes are introduced with creative design. Combined with the researching on the Virtual Product Design System for PMTs ( PMT-VPDS), the digital creative design environment of PMTs is presented in detail.
  9. Precision Multitarget Tracking System ( PMTS)
  10. Algorithms for tool path calculation and cutter path interval calculation are derived. Frame model for CAM system of PMTs is established.
  11. PMTs have following advantages: very good stiffness weight ratio, large feed speed, high machine precision, simple mechanical structure etc. compared with the traditional machine tools.
  12. The photoelectric detectors of the lidars developed by our Laboratory& Key Laboratory of Ocean Remote Sensing, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, are PMTs, so the study of PMT is important.
  13. Progress for development of multi-PMTs high voltage power supply control system for large array detector
  14. The PMTs can work under the high magnetic field of the detector region are extremely expensive. The total cost will be extremely high for the large number of detection channels. All these facts indicate that the scintillators+ PMT solution is impossible.
  15. It is the machining precision that limits the commercialization and industrialization of the Parallel Machine Tools ( PMTs) greatly.