Based on the analysis of the research status in quo of DFR, this dissertation does some deeper research work including DFR method, Product Recycling Application Information Model ( PRAIM), Product Recycling Process Planning ( PRPP), assessment of product recyclability and so on. 本文在总结目前回收设计方法研究现状的基础上,对回收设计方法、产品回收应用信息模型、产品回收工艺规划和产品回收性能评估等问题进行了较深入的研究。
With the support of information model of the recycling element, the PRAIM based on recycling elements is given as the basis for DFR and PRPP. 在给出回收元的信息模型的基础上给出了基于回收元的产品回收应用信息模型,为产品回收设计与回收分析奠定了基础。