Provisioning Service Target ( PST): This is the actual software on which the action is taken. 配置服务目标(PST):实际执行动作的软件。
This essentially means that all PSTs make these four operations available for manipulation as SPML-defined interfaces. 基本上意味着所有PST都会通过SPML定义的接口提供这4种操作。
So as you can see, the architecture is essentially a client ( RA), a server ( PSP), and resources ( PSTs) that SPML manages. 可以看出,SPML管理的基本架构包括客户(RS)、服务器(PSP)和资源(PST)。
Likewise, the U.S. West coast time zone is known to most Americans as Pacific Standard Time ( PST) zone rather than GMT-8. 同样,大多数美国人都知道美国西海岸位于太平洋标准时区(PST),却不知道它也叫做格林威治标准时间西八区。
I called the general phone number at the site at3:20 am PST and someone answered right away, confirming the hack and the fact that a team of engineers is trying to get the site back online. 我在早上3:20的时候给这家网站打了电话,马上就有人接听。他们确认了遭到黑客攻击的消息,并透露说一组技术人员正试着把网站重新连上互联网。
Studies on the Active Groups of Pst I Restriction Endonuclease 限制性核酸内切酶PstⅠ活性基团的研究
A modern aircraft model with Thrust Vectoring ( TV) technique and the post stall ( PST) capacity and the control law are given. 建立起一种具有推力矢量技术和过失速机动能力的现代飞机模型,并给出了控制律的解算方法。
Outage Notice: The project will be down starting today at 3pm PST for maintenance. The server should be back online later in the evening. 停机通告:太平洋时间今天下午三点开始停机,应该晚上就会恢复正常。
Through the experiments, it was proved that PST liposome prepared by reverse phase evaporation could be in the most stable state under neutral pH of environmental solution and refrigerated storage. 采用逆相蒸发法,考察了溶剂密度、膜材浓度、制备温度和超声时间等因素对溶菌酶脂质体包封率、稳定性及形态学的影响。
For popularization of science and technology ( hereinafter referred to as PST), such ways as may make it easy for the general public to understand, accept and participate in shall be adopted. 开展科学技术普及(以下称科普),应当采取公众易于理解、接受、参与的方式。
As the primary software talents ( PST) are the basis of the software talents pyramid, they have a very important position. 初级软件人才作为软件人才金字塔的基础,在软件人才队伍中占有重要位置。
Science and technology workers and teachers shall give full play to their advantages and expertise and take and active part in and support activities for PST. 科学技术工作者和教师应当发挥自身优势和专长,积极参与和支持科普活动。
Follow the instructions of the pst. 遵照pst说明进行操作。
Enable archiving to automatically migrate old content into successive PST files. 启用存档以将旧内容自动迁移到后续pst文件中。
Disinfection of email databases in PST format attached to a message is not supported. 以PST格式附有消息不支持电子邮件数据库的消毒作用。
For the pst three years, I have served as a private secretary to Mr. 在过去三年,小的一直担任唐悌先生的秘书。
Pacific Standard Time ( PST) is in use inside the camp. 营内使用太平洋标准时间。
The project will be down for maintenance starting today at 3pm PST. 太平洋时间今天下午三点将停机进行维护。
Post-processing is short for the postpositional processing, is a document that can be modified by the user replying the questions, its expansive name is PST. 后置处理文件简称后处理文件,是一种可以由用户以回答问题的形式自行修改的文件,其扩展名为。
Starting at around 8:20 ( PST) this morning the University of Washington network began to experience widespread connectivity problems. They are working on it. 太平洋时间今天早上8点20开始,整个学校的网络都出了问题,相关人员正在解决。
For the pst three years, I have served as a private secretary to Mr.T.Tang whom you know well, and whose public works have been heralded all over Hong Kong. 在过去三年,小的一直担任唐悌先生的秘书。对于唐悌先生,阁下必定知悉,同时唐先生的事业早已为市民所熟知。
PST File Parsing Based on OLE Automation Technology 基于OLE自动化技术的PST文件解析
The PST slide provides smooth precise linear motion with high accuracy at twice the thrust of a single bore cylinder. PST的幻灯片提供平滑精确的以两倍于一个单一的缸孔精度高推力直线运动。
PST, VAT, customs clearance, or other expenses to and from the centers are the customer's responsibility. 送货费用由客户承担,具体包括货服税、营业税、增值税、海关结算和其他出入美国修理中心的费用。
Related departments of people's governments at various levels shall arrange a certain amount of funds for PST. 各级人民政府有关部门应当安排一定的经费用于科普工作。
The microdomains in PST and PLZT were successfully observed and clear photographs were obtained. 作者成功地观察到了PST和PLZT中的微畴,并且取得了非常清晰的照片。
It proves that the feasibility and validity of the method of PST-based system survivability measure in theory and case. 在理论上和算例上证明了基于PST模型的系统存活性度量方法的可行性和有效性。
So the REV was fixed as the preparation method of PST liposome; 因此确定了逆相蒸发法为本文PST脂质体的制备方法;
Then, immuno-magnetic microspheres were prepared by linking PSt/ AM magnetic microspheres with antibody. 用聚苯乙烯/丙烯酰胺磁性微球连接抗体制成免疫磁性微球,考察了结合条件对抗体连接到磁性微球上的影响。