The FBI kept a voluminous file on Pablo Picasso. 联邦调查局保存了有关巴勃罗·毕加索的大量档案。
It's not long before he's hanging with Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali. 不久,他又结识了海明威、格特鲁德•斯坦、巴勃罗•毕加索和萨尔瓦多•达利。
Pablo's father knew a great deal about the technique of painting and he taught it all to Pablo. 巴勃罗的父亲懂得许多绘画技艺,并全部教给了巴勃罗。
PABLO: If I mentioned his name, then who did I say was3rd? 就算是我提到他的名字了吧,那么谁是第三个学生呢?
PABLO: To get to the cemetery, we must go this route. 帕布罗:到墓地我们必须走这条路。
We sleep in the bedroom, and pablo's cousin here in the living room. 我们在卧室睡,帕布罗的兄弟在这儿睡客厅。
Leper from San pablo: you're wasting your time. 麻风病人:你在浪费自己的时间。
Pablo ate so many sandwiches that he felt his stomach would burst. 帕布罗吃了太多的三明治,他觉得他的胃简直要撑爆了。
I went to pablo's that night. 那个晚上我去了帕勃罗酒吧。
Pablo Triana is a derivatives consultant and author. 巴勃罗特里亚纳是衍生品顾问兼作家。
Juan Pablo Montoya? you must be pleased with the tactics that brought you up to third. 问:胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚,你一定很满意自己的比赛策略,是它让你排在了第三名的位置上。
PABLO: Are you the manager? 你是我的主管吧?
Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism. 帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。
Tell me, did Pablo not have caps and fuse? 告诉我,巴勃罗自己没有雷管和导火线吗?
Juan Pablo started from seventh position on the grid, Kimi from eighth. 蒙托亚和雷克南分别以第七和第八位发车。
Juan Pablo Montoya: Yeah, I raced here before. 胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚:是的,我之前在这里比赛过。
He is Pablo Picasso, born in1881, died in1973. 他就是帕勃罗·毕加索,生于1881年,死于1973年。
"We know all about Pablo Aimar," said Sir Alex, when quizzed about individuals in Jorge Jesus'squad. “我们都知道艾马尔,”被问到是否了解JorgeJesus球队中的哪个球星时弗格森爵士说。
To cover up the publication of his first poem, he took the pen name Pablo Neruda. 为了掩人耳目发表第一部诗集,诗人就为自己取了个笔名&聂鲁达。
Soon after, Pablo Picasso was arrested and questioned by the police, but was released quickly. 不久,巴勃罗毕加索被警方扣留问话,但很快被释放。
I am drunk, Pablo said with dignity. “我醉了,”巴勃罗神气地说。
Jordan still does not trust Pablo, but rejects Rafael's suggestion that the leader should be killed. 乔丹仍不信任帕布洛,但也拒绝了拉斐尔提出的把这个领导人处死的建议。
The blanket fastened across the opening of the cave was lifted and Pablo put his head in. 系在洞口的毯子给撩起了,巴勃罗探进头来。
Do you want to die? Pablo said to him seriously. “你想找死吗?”巴布罗恶狠狠地对他说。
The attack on Guernica inspired the passion and genius of Pablo Picasso to reveal his truth about war: war is not about power and glory, war is about pain, suffering, and death. 对格尔尼卡的袭击激发了巴勃罗•毕加索的创作热情和天赋,让他挥笔揭露战争的真相:战争无关权力和荣誉,它带来的是痛苦和死亡。
McLaren can be expected to challenge here too, with past winners Kimi Raikkonen and Juan Pablo montoya. 由于基米-雷克难和胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚过去在这里曾是冠军,迈凯轮也被指望着能在这里发起挑战。
Pablo and Prieto had about an equal faith in the ultimate victory. 巴勃罗和普列托对最后胜利的信心大致上差不离。
Pablo said to the priest in his hoarse voice. 巴勃罗粗声粗气地对神父说。
We started in Spain and went to the city of Malaga, the birthplace of Pablo Picasso. 我们从西班牙出发,去了巴勃罗·毕加索的出生地马拉加市。
Truly successful entrepreneurs combine the features of Pablo Picasso and General George Patton. 真正成功的创业家,同时具备了毕卡索与巴顿将军的特质。