That area starts in Afghanistan, it includes Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Chad and Somalia. 这个地区包括阿富汗、伊拉克、巴勒斯坦、苏丹、乍得和索马里。
Hanna Siniora is a member of the Palestine National Council from East Jerusalem. 汉娜·西尼乌拉是(HannaSiniora)是东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦全国委员会成员。
The Middle East Quartet urged all the principal players to keep the peace process between Israel and Palestine going. 中东问题四方敦促所有主要成员让以色列和巴勒斯坦的和平进程得以继续。
In turn, the United States would increase humanitarian aid to Palestine. 美国将相应增加对巴勒斯坦的人道主义援助。
27. We welcome the admission of Palestine as an Observer State to the United Nations. 27、我们欢迎巴勒斯坦成为联合国观察员国。
Palestine and Decolonization Section 巴勒斯坦和非殖民化科
The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine. 1947年,联合国大会全体会议投票决定划分巴勒斯坦。
We have received three anonymous letters from Palestine to date, in addition to one suspicious package. 到现在为止,除了一个可疑的包裹,我们还收到了三封匿名的来自巴勒斯坦的信件。
We should try to end the fragmentation of Palestine and promote a reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. 我们应设法结束巴勒斯坦的分裂局面,推动哈马斯和法塔赫(fatah)达成和解。
This is because the political and military position of Palestine guerillas is an extremely difficult one. 这是因为巴勒斯坦游击队的政治和军事地位,是非常困难的。
Terrorists in Northern Ireland and Palestine have been forgiven their crimes in return for desisting. 北爱尔兰和巴勒斯坦的恐怖分子的罪行也得到了宽恕以换来停火。
United Nations preparatory meeting for the NGO Symposium on the question of palestine; 巴勒斯坦问题非政府组织专题讨论会联合国筹备会议;
There must be a Palestine and there must be an Israel. 必须有一个巴勒斯坦和必须有一个以色列。
Will Israel and Palestine make peace? 以色列和巴勒斯坦会握手言和吗?
He reiterated Turkey's support to the recent UN Security Council resolution on Palestine and Israel conflict. 他还重申土耳其支持联合国安理会最近通过的关于巴以冲突的决议。
Oslo Agreement and Oslo spirit-peace talks between Israel and Palestine 奥斯陆协议与奥斯陆精神&以色列和巴勒斯坦间的和平谈判
Jordan is one of the key links that effects the Palestine question. 约旦是影响巴勒斯坦问题的关键环节之一。
He was a Turk living in Palestine. 他是一个住在巴勒斯坦的土耳其人。
A policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine. 为在巴勒斯坦建立和发展犹太国的政策。
Baghdad trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives. 巴格达在小武器和爆炸物方面训练巴勒斯坦解放阵线。
Take a look at Israel and Palestine. "The worst of the worst," they say. 看看以色列和巴勒斯坦,“那最坏的最坏”,他们说。
Lebanon and Syria were assigned to France, Jordan and Iraq to Britain and Palestine was to be internationalized. 叙利亚和黎巴嫩由法国托管,约旦和伊拉克由英国托管,巴勒斯坦由国际共管。
I came from Palestine. 我来自巴勒斯坦。
When young, he traveled to Palestine and egypt. 年轻时,他曾经到巴勒斯坦和埃及旅行。
Israel and Palestine have not yet been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription. 以色列与巴勒斯坦至今仍未能就耶路撒冷的归属问题达成一致。
A conflict involving Israel could easily break out in Palestine, Lebanon or Iran. 巴勒斯坦、黎巴嫩和伊朗这些国家与以色列随时有可能爆发冲突。
And Palestine now is the center of this military globalization. 巴勒斯坦现在就是军事全球化的中心。
The one issue where Muslim opinion converges with a demand for a change in America's approach is Palestine. 穆斯林对一个问题是一致的:他们要求美国在巴勒斯坦问题上改变做法。
We have no positive information concerning the duration of this activity in Palestine. 我们没有任何的积极信息有关的期限这项活动在巴勒斯坦。
We understand we might be leaving for palestine. 我们明白我们要去往巴勒斯坦了。