Papandreou claims that a vote by the people is necessary given the major impact the latest European fix-it plan would have on Greece. 帕潘德里欧声称,由于最新的欧洲救助方案将给希腊带来巨大影响,有必要让民众来投票决定。
Papandreou is fully aware of this fact, as are members of Greece's main opposition party in parliament, which has blasted the prime minister for being reckless. 帕潘德里欧深知这一点,希腊国会中的主要反对党成员也知道这一点,因此一直严厉抨击这位总理,称其不顾后果。
It is unclear why exactly Papandreou decided to step up now and call for a referendum. 不清楚到底为什么帕潘德里欧现在决定站出来,呼吁举行公投。
But Germany's Bild tabloid had another suggestion, calling on Greek citizens to adopt a more Germanic work ethic in an open letter to Mr Papandreou. 而德国小报Bild却另有一番建议,他们发表了给希腊总理的公开信,建议希腊公民学习德国式的工作方法。
The discussion which also included former Fed Governor Laurence Meyer, Schiff, the former prime minister of Greece George Papandreou, and politician-turned-Morgan Stanley-employee Harold Ford turned to deflation. 会议讨论的主题转向通缩,会议参与者包括美联储(Fed)前理事劳伦斯o迈耶、经济学家彼得o希夫、希腊前总理乔治o帕潘德里欧以及政治家出身的摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)雇员哈罗德o福特。
With the threat of a referendum removed, George Papandreou hopes he will secure the backing of his own MPs in the confidence vote on Friday night. 目前对公投的威胁已经消除,乔治•帕潘德里欧希望在周五晚上的信任投票中,争取到本党议员的支持。
Both Mr Papandreou and Mr Samaras deserve some sympathy. 帕潘德里欧和萨马拉斯都应该得到一些同情。
If we are afraid, if we throw away this opportunity, then history will judge us very harshly, Mr Papandreou said in a final appeal for support before the vote. 帕潘德里欧在投票前最后一次寻求支持的讲话中说:如果我们害怕,如果我们放弃这次机会,那么历史将会非常严厉地审判我们。
Mr Papandreou, rolling his boulder uphill, knows that he has no choice but to carry on. 推着巨石上山的帕潘德里欧心里明白,自己除了继续推以外别无选择。
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has considered the possibility of Germany providing bilateral help to Greece, though she insists she is not yet ready to talk about aid with Mr Papandreou. 德国总理默克尔也考虑过德国为希腊提供双边援助的可能性,尽管他坚持称她还没准备好同巴本德里欧讨论援助的事宜。
The purpose would be to assure Mr Papandreou of their support for his "almost superhuman efforts" in reforming the Greek economy and curbing its borrowing, according to one senior official. 据一名高级官员介绍,会议的目的将是向帕潘德里欧保证,德法两国领导人支持他在改革希腊经济、遏制举债方面“近乎超人的努力”。
Papandreou added he will continue on what he called the "road of duty," together with his party members, officials, and the Greek people. 帕潘德里欧说,他会和他的政党成员,官员以及希腊人民,继续向他所说的[责任道路]上迈进。
Mr Papandreou may have messed up his tactics, but he was right on one point. 希腊总理乔治似乎是搞乱了他的伎俩,但是他在某点上却是正确的。
By Greek standards Mr Papandreou has been courageous, but he should have been braver still. 在希腊人看来,总理乔治•帕潘德里欧已经够勇敢了,但他本可以再勇敢一点儿的。
In effect, Mr Sarkozy and Ms Merkel were forced to acknowledge that reality in order to bring home to Mr Papandreou, his government and the Greek opposition just how high the stakes had become. 实际上,萨科齐和默克尔被迫承认上述现实,为的是让帕潘德里欧、他领导的政府以及希腊反对党明白,形势已变得多么利害攸关。
This evening, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Sarkozy will confront George Papandreou with a blunt message: Greece has to stick to its commitment. 今晚,德国总理安吉拉·默克尔和法国总统萨科齐将直面乔治·帕潘德里欧,并向他传达一条强硬的信息:希腊必须实践其诺言。
Since Mr Papandreou became prime minister, his government has been trying to crack down on habitual tax evaders. 自帕潘德里欧担任总理以来,他领导下的政府一直努力在打击习惯性的逃税者。
But Mr Papandreou commits a "breach of trust" if he calls a referendum. 不过,如果帕潘德里欧真的发起公投的话,他无疑是在制造“信任裂痕”。
Whatever now happens, it is clear that Mr Papandreou's risky gamble has backfired. 无论现在发生什么,很显然帕潘德里欧的赌博行为使他尝到了代价。
The spreads between Italian and German government debt had begun to widen well before Mr Papandreou dropped his bombshell. 早在在帕先生掷下公投这一重磅炸弹之前,意德两国的国债息差就已经开始扩大了。
Failure to back the package would mean the beginning of our departure from the euro, Mr Papandreou said. 不支持这个方案,将意味着我们开始退出欧元区,帕潘德里欧表示。
The Papandreou government is determined to correct the abuses of the past and it enjoys remarkable public support. 帕潘德里欧政府决心纠正以往滥用财政的现象,在这方面得到了公众的大力支持。
Another representative is George Papandreou, prime minister, whose grandfather and father held the same job in various spells after the second world war. 另一位代表性人物是现任总理乔治帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)。他的祖父和父亲在二战后都担任过总理。
Mr Papandreou knew this well before the crisis, as did most Greeks. 帕潘德里欧在危机爆发前很早就明白这一点,希腊民众也一样。
A first hurdle was a vote of confidence to endorse Mr Papandreou's proposed plebiscite. 首要的障碍是如何进行一轮对于支持帕潘德里欧提议的全民公投的信任投票。
Papandreou responded by saying he will reshuffle his Cabinet and seek a vote of confidence for his new government in parliament. 帕潘德里欧回应说,他将重组内阁,并且要求议会对他的新政府进行信任投票。
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, insisted that no such support had been sought or discussed when she met Mr Papandreou on Friday. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)坚称,上周五与帕潘德里欧会面时,希腊方面并未寻求任何此类援助,双方也未在这个问题上进行任何讨论。
The protests came as the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou appealed to parliament to push through painful economic reforms. 抗议是由于希腊总理乔治•帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)向议会请求通过痛苦的经济改革措施。
The Prime Minister George Papandreou, having survived a confidence vote, is trying to put together a government of national unity. 总理乔治·帕潘德里欧幸运挺过信任投票,将推进成立一个全国统一政府。