Certain plant families, including the poppy family ( Papaveraceae) and the nightshade family ( Solanaceae), are particularly rich in them. 某些植物科类(包括罂粟科和茄科)的生物碱含量特别丰富。
Type genus of the Papaveraceae; chiefly bristly hairy herbs with usually showy flowers. 罂粟科的模式属;主要为带钢毛的草本植物,花常美丽。
It is widely present in medicinal plants from Berberidaceae, Ranunculaceae, Papaveraceae and Rutaceae, and can be obtained easily. 小檗碱是一种稳定存在的季胺型异喹啉类生物碱,广泛存在于如小檗科、毛莨科、罂粟科和芸香科的多种植物当中,并易于获得。