Later in the trip, he is planning a visit to a violent Bolivian prison, a meeting with Bolivian trash collectors and a stop at a flood-prone Paraguayan shantytown. 他还要访问一个玻利维亚暴力犯人监狱,跟玻利维亚收垃圾的工人见面,并访问巴拉圭一个易受洪水袭击的贫民区。
Fernando Lugo, the Paraguayan president-designate, had advocated in the past a switch in diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. 巴拉圭候任总统费尔南多•卢戈(FernandoLugo)过去曾提议改变外交承认对象,由台北转向北京。
Wang ping: in the French World Cup qualifier, Chilavert shot two important goals and has done astonishing work for the Paraguayan team entering World Cup finals. 王平:法国世界杯预选赛中,奇拉维特为巴拉圭队踢进了两个关键性的入球,为巴拉圭队进入世界杯决赛圈立下了奇功。
Paraguayan Embassy Minister Adela Jimenez de Perez lays interlocking bricks at the Shanlin Da Ai Community. 巴拉圭的公使亚德拉来到杉林大爱园区,帮忙铺起连锁砖。
The Paraguayan has been associated with a switch to Turin in recent times and he's ready to consider a transfer if an offer was made. 这名巴拉圭球员在过去一段时间一直被将转会到都灵的传闻索缠身,如果给他制定一份合同,他将考虑转会的可能性。
It has paved the way for the Paraguayan team marching to France. 为巴拉圭队进军法兰西铺平了道路。
Jeff: The Paraguayan team taas made a great coup now. 杰夫:巴拉圭队这一下可算是一鸣惊人了。
According to Hitzfeld, the Peruvian striker has a niggle on his left knee and the Paraguayan forward has a strained muscle. 根据希斯非尔德表示秘鲁射手的左膝有伤,而巴拉圭前锋则是肌肉拉伤。