On the morning of the sixth day the postman brought him a thin letter from the editor of the Parthenon. 第六天早上邮递员给他送来了《帕提农》的编辑给他的一封信。
However, visitors can still admire the "tricks" used in building the Parthenon. 今天参观者仍然能够欣赏到她精湛的建筑技巧。
She was also the patron goddess of Athens who built the Parthenon in her honor. 她雅典人的守护神,纪念她,雅典人建造了帕特农神庙。
All these effects make the Parthenon look perfectly straight from a distance. 这些建筑效果使帕提侬神庙从远处看起来十分高耸笔直。
The Greeks knew about the golden ratio, and the Parthenon is the usual example given of its use in architecture. 希腊人知道黄金比例并把它用在了帕台农神庙的建造中,这是黄金比例在建筑中的普通运用。
The ancient Greek Parthenon temple, atop the Acropolis hill overlooking Athens, is framed by a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm on Oct.9,2006. 2006年10月9日,雷雨中,雅典卫城的古希腊帕特农神殿上面闪过一道美丽的闪电。
Another building in Nashville fills residents with pride-the Parthenon. 另一座建筑物在田纳是帕台农神庙,也足以令居民充满骄傲与自豪。
There is no better reason to repatriate the Parthenon sculptures. 这是归还帕台农雕塑的最好理由。
Lines that appear straight in the Parthenon are found on measurement to be curved. 帕台农神庙上看似笔直的线条,经测定证实为曲线。
The Parthenon is a magnificent structure. 帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建物。
When a pair of lovers came to ask him to help the Parthenon, the Wallen Frattini in the holy altar of the former for their wedding ceremony was held quietly. 当一对情侣来到神庙请求他的帮助时,瓦伦帝尼在神圣的祭坛前为它们悄悄地举行了婚礼。
The very Parthenon itself saw Demetrius consorting with harlots and debauching free women of Athens. 帕台农神庙则把德米特里视为妓女之友、诱使雅典女性堕落的罪魁祸首。
During our stay in Greece, we climbed the many steps up to the Parthenon in Athens. 在希腊度留期间,我们爬了许多台阶才到达雅典的帕台农神庙。
In genesis, Yahweh had condemned the serpent to crawl on its belly as a deceiver of humanity, yet all who entered the Parthenon to worship or admire the great statue were forced to look up to both Athena and the serpent. 在创世记中,耶和华已经将蛇作为人类的欺骗者定罪,惩罚它只能用腹部爬行,然而所有来到帕特农神庙并对这尊雕像礼拜赞叹的人,均被迫仰视雅典娜和那条蛇。
This was neither a Parthenon, nor a temple of the Olympian Jupiter. 这并非是一座巴特农神宙,也不是奥林匹斯山朱庇特殿堂。
Because the Parthenon was built with League funds, the building may be read as an expression of the confidence of the Athenians in this newly naked imperialism. 因为巴特农神庙是以联盟资金所建造,故此建筑也许可被解读为雅典人赤裸裸的帝国主义之自信表现。
The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and acropolis monuments. 在帕特农神庙和雅典卫城前开始的自行车赛事将拉开奥运会的大幕。
In fact, they provided the raw material for the Parthenon and the Venus de Milo. 实际上,这些石头都是用来建造帕提农神庙和维纳斯的原材料。
And the famous Greek Parthenon contains many golden rectangles. 而著名的希腊帕特侬神庙,其外观亦由许多黄金矩形所组成。
At the corner he stepped into the Western Union and sent a telegram to THE PARTHENON, advising them to proceed with the publication of the poem. 来到街角他走进了西部联合电信局,给《帕提农》发了一个电报,要求他们发表那首诗。
He is the author of Athena and Eden: The Hidden Meaning of the Parthenon's East Facade, and Athena and Kain: The True meaning of Greek Myth. 他是雅典娜和亚当:帕特农神宙东面的隐义和雅典娜和该隐:希腊神话的真实意义的作者。
Some historians believe that Athens concluded a peace treaty with Persia in449, two years before work began on the Parthenon. 一些史学家认为雅典于西元前449年与波斯订下了一个和平协定,此时恰于巴特农神庙开始建造的前两年。
I have felt copies of Parthenon friezes, and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors. 我摸过巴台农神殿中楣石柱的复制品,我意识到向前冲锋的的雅典武士的匀称和谐美。
The Parthenon is a classical building. 巴台农神庙是古典式建筑。
An immense, columned temple built almost entirely of marble, Athens's ancient Parthenon is the consummate example of classical Greek architecture. 座落于雅典的古帕台农神庙,是座几乎全是大理石结构的雄伟精妙的圆柱型巨殿。它是古典希腊式建筑完美之典范。
While we were in Athens we visited some of the sights: the world famous Parthenon, and the National Museum, and we went to a concert. 当我们在雅典时,我们浏览了一些景点:世界著名的帕台农神庙和国家博物馆,我们还去看了音乐会。
I know well through my hands the sculptured gods and goddesses of the ancient nile-land. I have felt copies of Parthenon friezes, and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors. 我通过我的手很好地了解了雕刻的古代尼罗河土地上的众神,我摸过巴台农神殿、中楣石柱的复制品,我意识到向前冲锋的雅典武士的匀称和谐美。
Many of the marble sculptures of the Parthenon were removed by the British in1803 and are today held by the British Museum. 帕台农神庙的许多大理石雕塑在1803年被英国人运走,今天保存在大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)。
Clinton and Lambrinidis signed the document in a ceremony featuring two iconic Greek structures the Acropolis and the Parthenon as a backdrop. 克林顿和兰姆布里尼迪斯在一个以具有希腊传统风格的建筑雅典卫城和帕台农神庙为背景的仪式上签署了这项协议。
However, it was also a monument to the power of Athens itself; the Parthenon combines the Doric architecture of the Greek mainland with the Ionic style of outlying areas to symbolize a strong, Panhellenic league with Athens at its political and cultural forefront. 同时,它也是雅典全盛时期的纪念碑;帕台农融合了希腊本土的多利安式建筑及周边区域的爱奥尼亚式建筑风格,象征一个由雅典政治文化主导的强大泛希腊联盟。