Even though the removal of the Ledra crossing may be just a symbolic move, U.N.Undersecretary-General Lynn Pascoe sees an opportunity to solve the division of this island. 尽管拆除莱德拉街过境点可能只是一个象征性的行动,联合国副秘书长帕斯科认为,这是解决塞浦路斯分裂问题的一个机会。
U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe told the Security Council that credible reports say the death toll now often exceeds 100 civilians a day, including many women and children. 联合国负责政治事务的副秘书长帕斯科在安理会会议上表示,有可靠的报道说,现在的死亡人数经常是每天超过100人,包括许多妇女和儿童。
A lot of women get stuck in anger and don't get to the reconciliation stage, Pascoe says. Those are the women I refuse to play tennis with. They hit the ball too hard. 许多女性陷入气愤之中难以自拔,帕斯科表示,我不会跟这些人打网球。
CJ Pascoe is Postdoctoral Scholar with the Digital Youth Project at the Institute for the Study of Social Change, University of California, Berkeley. CJ帕斯科是数码青年项目与社会变迁的研究,美国加州大学伯克利分校的研究所博士后学者。
Though she jokes about it, Pascoe and others say corporate human resources departments would do well to notice and help trailing spouses. 尽管她在开玩笑,但帕斯科和其他人表示,公司人力资源部门将在提醒并帮助随行配偶方面做得很好。