Derek criticised every aspect of Pauline's behaviour, something he had never done when they were courting. 德里克对保利娜的行为举止百般挑剔,恋爱时他可从没这样做过。
Pauline runs a kennels 保利娜经营着一个养狗场。
Pauline was already resigned to losing her home. 保利娜已经无奈地接受了失去家园的事实。
Pauline wore a silk dress with a strand of pearls. 保利娜穿了件丝绸长裙,戴了串珍珠。
Pauline spent three wretched hours at the cinema dreading the moment when she must go home and face her husband again. 保琳在电影院呆了三个小时,她不愿意回家再面对她的丈夫。
The twins, Paul and Pauline, were Ellen's age, seven years old. 保罗和波林是双胞胎,和艾伦一样大,七岁。
PAULINE: Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening. 波淋:后来,我昨晚6点钟回到家里。
It was only when rescue volunteer Pauline Adams arrived that the pair discovered the tortoise was not real. 结果救援队员保琳·亚当斯来了以后,她们才发现这只乌龟是假的。
To Pauline D. Loh, nothing spells festive like the spicy scent of gingerbread baking. 对于PaulineD.Loh而言,没有什么比烤姜饼飘出的辛香味道更有节日氛围了。
I have heard much of him and Pauline wrote me only last week that he is a man of bad repute and not even received by his own family in charleston, except of course by his heartbroken mother. 我听到过许多他的事情并且波琳上星期还写了信来,说他名声很坏,在查尔斯顿,连他自己家里也没有接待他,只是他那位伤透了心的母亲例外。
Do you think the Pope could give Pauline an abortion? 你认为主教能让波林流产吗?
Cut the crap or I'll leave with pauline! 少说废话,不然我就和玻琳离开!
A short time after that, I got word that the Pope had agreed to say a private Mass for broadcast in the Pauline Chapel. 此后不久,我得到消息说教皇同意在圣保罗教堂举行一场专门的弥撒以供播出。
Pauline is an employee of a large city. 李裕生先生是一名雇员的一个大型城市。
Pauline Friedman married husband Morton Phillips in1939 and lives in Beverly hills, Los angeles, where she is a wife, mother and grandmother. 波林弗里德曼于1939年嫁给莫顿菲利普斯,现住洛杉机的贝弗利山,在那里做妻子、母亲和祖母。
Hemingway and Pauline saw each other secretly. 海明威和普费弗最先秘密相会。
Sister Pauline has already come to me. 宝琳修女已经来找过我了。
Today we get to the first two letters we're going to talk about of the Pauline Corpus. 今天我们会讨论头两封信,我们要谈谈保罗书信。
Sister pauline, how long were you in the congo? 宝琳修女,你在刚果多少年了?
His wife Caroline Thompson soon became his second wife Pauline's friend. 汤普森的太太罗林也很快成为他的第二任夫人波琳的好朋友。
Pauline said that I failed to take advantage of the situation. 宝琳说我不会利用机会。
Pauline: But, in a park? Isn't that a little strange, though? 宝琳:可是,在公园内玩耶,这样不是有点怪怪吗?
Pauline said goodbye to them all. 波林向他们所有人告别。
"Dear Abby" or Abigail Van Buren is in fact Pauline Esther Friedman. 亲爱的艾比或艾比盖尔·范布伦的真名叫波林·埃丝特·弗里德曼。
We'll get to some of that again in James today because we can& you can read James, as Lutheran and some people read it, as being basically a disagreement with Pauline Christianity. 我们今天在讲《雅各书》时再说一下,因为你们可以将《雅各书》视为,就像路德教友和一些人那样,认为它与保罗基督观唱反调。
This is Pauline's mother. 我是波琳的母亲。
I'd like to, but I'll go to the seaside with Pauline on tuesday. 我愿意,但是周二我得和波莉娜去海边。