Bills and Pauls fascination with computers and the business world meant that they read a great deal. 比尔和保罗对电脑和商务的痴迷意味着他们要博览群书。
Still, the dresses are Pauls passion. 不过买这些裙子都是保罗的热情。
So far I've got seven pauls. 现在我找出了七个保罗。
Pauls classmates congratulated him on his winning the first prize. 保罗的同学们祝贺他获得了一等奖。
There must have been two dozen Peters and Pauls at the wedding. 婚礼中起码有两打以上的彼得和保罗。
In addition, Pauls milk and rice flour, produced by Parmalat Australia, a subsidiary of the Italian food giant, was also among the unqualified list. 此外,检验出的不合格婴儿食品还包括产自澳大利亚的宝利氏牛奶、百乐斯婴儿米粉等。
The root of Pauls narcissistic injury and his narcissistic complex is expounded. 从自恋理论角度阐释了保罗自恋创伤的根源及其自恋情结。
The Pauls arrived in China safe and sound. 保罗这一家平安抵达中国。
By decoding some important stages of Pauls life, we may find an efficient way to knowing the present significance of his spiritual exercises. 解读保罗一生中的重要阶段,乃是认识保罗精神操练的当代意义之有效途径。