HP has already said WebOS will run on multiple devices& from printers to PCs. 惠普已经表示,WebOS将运行于从打印机到个人计算机等多种设备上。
Had he done so, apple clones would have proliferated, just like PCs. 如果他这样做了,苹果产品的克隆版本就会大行其道,就像个人电脑那样。
And future machines could also dispense higher-value items like phones and PCs. 而且,这些机器内还会配备手机和个人计算机等价值较高的物品。
Designed as a fresh start for Windows, it attempts to bridge mobile devices, tablets and traditional PCs. 这个系统是旨在开创Windows的的新纪元,它试图在移动设备、平板电脑和传统PC之间建立联系的纽带。
That heightened persistent fears among investors that search on mobile devices may not be as profitable as on PCs. 使用移动设备进行搜索所产生的利润也不如使用个人电脑搜索带来的利润高,这一点则加剧了投资者们的恐慌。
Nearly everyone has a phone, there are more people that have telephones than have PCs. And this is just one way for us to make people to access their information. 几乎人人有电话,拥有电话的人比拥有电脑的人多,这只是我们帮助人们更容易获取信息的一种途径。
This cloud file system is analogous to a NAS ( network addressable storage) unit connected to multiple PCs. 这个云文件系统相当于连接多个PC的NAS(网络可寻址存储)单元。
Using Xdmx and some simple configuration advice, we will set up a computing environment with four monitors spread across one desktop and three laptop PCs. 使用Xdmx和一些简单的配置建议,我们将设置一个具有四台监视器的计算环境,其中包括一台台式机和三台笔记本。
Meanwhile, the mobile TV network is also heating up with brands such as ESPN and the NFL beginning to offer mobile service through Sprint PCS. 与此同时,移动TV网络也在升温,像ESPN和NFL这样的分支机构开始通过SprintPCS提供移动服务。
TIP: Test Controller directly from the application server itself first, before trying on remote client PCs. 提示:首先在应用程序服务器上直接测试Controller,然后再在远程客户端PC上尝试。
It has products that run Android as well as Windows, the mainstay of PCs. 它既生产搭载安卓系统的产品,也生产搭载主流个人电脑系统Windows的产品。
Instead, after the initial success of Apple's iPad, interest has shifted to tablet PCs. 相反,在苹果(Apple)iPad首发成功后,人们的兴趣已转向了平板电脑。
These applications securely integrate IP telephony with business applications and corporate data on any IP device, including IP phones, mobile devices and PCs. 这些应用可能使用任何IP设备,例如IP电话、移动设备和PC,利用业务应用系统和协同的数据来安全地整合IP电话技术。
We use slide window to approximate the data stream and propose two skyline query algorithms on data stream called CCS and PCS. 采用滑动窗口技术对数据流进行近似,提出了两种数据流上的轮廓查询方法:CCS算法和PCS算法。
Technology may seem to make your computer obsolete sooner but some companies see profits in recycling old PCs. 技术看上去可以使你的计算机更快地陈旧,但是一些公司却在重复利用旧电脑中看到了利润。
Most of the world adopted Microsoft-compatible PCs. 世界绝大部分市场采用了兼容微软系统的电脑。
Likewise, in the fast-growing tablet market, personal computer makers including Acer, Lenovo and Asus produce Android-based tablet PCs. 同样,在快速发展的平板电脑市场,包括宏碁(Acer)、联想(Lenovo)和华硕(Asus)在内的个人电脑制造商都生产基于Android系统的平板电脑。
Have the contemptible mini-attackers use missile weapons, ambushes, or preset traps towards which they herd the PCs. 有卑鄙迷你使用导弹武器攻击,伏击,或预设的陷阱,他们对牛群的个人电脑。
Further, the power& energy industry also appears to show potential for industrial PCs. 此外,电力和能源领域也似乎显示出对工业电脑的潜力。
It also allows searching across networks and many PCs. 它还允许跨网络和很多个人计算机检索。
DMI uses the information from the MIF to track and manage PCs. DMI利用MIF中的信息来跟踪和管理PC机。
To continue to dominate this industry, Intel will have to be inside lower-priced PCs. 为了继续在行业内的领导地位,英特尔不得不进入低端电脑领域。
From there, they can share any resource and perform all computing tasks that they currently do on their PCs. 从这种台式装置上,他们就能分享到任何资源,完成所有目前需要在PC机上进行的计算任务。
Over the past several years, Google has built three key pieces of scalable computing infrastructure designed to run on clusters of commodity PCs. 在过去数年中,Google为在PC集群上运行的可伸缩计算基础设施设计建造了三个关键部分。
Our records indicate that this product has already been activated on other PCs. 我们的记录显示此产品已在其他计算机上激活。
A friend of mine told me that Apple computers are easier to use than PCs. 我的一位朋友告诉我苹果电脑比个人电脑好用。
The majority of the computers we use are 32-bit PCs. 我们使用的计算机大多数都是32位的。
Those applications typically ran on x86 computers – aka PCs. 这些程序通常运行在x86电脑上,也就是所谓的PC。
Another great feature of this application is how it helps you to synchronize bookmarks between your home and office PCs. 另一个伟大的特点,这是如何的应用,它可以帮助你同步书签之间您的家庭和办公室的电脑。