He hooked up with Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, which has a big yard and was delighted to have Moe, although he actually doesn't cut much grass. 他与拥有一个大庭院的匹兹堡温室和植物园(PhippsConservatoryandBotanicalGardens)取得了联系,他们很高兴地接受了莫伊&尽管它实际上割不下多少草。
Growing in the Middle Ground by Anne Phipps 在探索中成长安妮.菲普斯
The Italian prime minister came alone to the reception at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Garden, primarily because his wife is divorcing him. 身为意大利总理的贝卢斯科尼孤身一人出席在菲普斯温室植物园举办的招待晚宴,这主要是他的妻子正和他闹离婚。
The position you choose while sleeping reveals a startling amount about your personality, according to body language expert Robert Phipps. 身体语言专家罗伯特·菲普斯告诉我们,人在睡眠时选择的睡姿惊人地反映出了这个人的个性。
In 1974 it invited other families to join the founding Phipps and now manages more than$ 48bn for 1,800 families. 1974年,该信托基金曾邀请其他家族与创始人菲普斯携手,目前管理着1800个家族超过480亿美元的资产。