British Airways have two flights a day to Bangkok, and there are onward flights to Phnom Penh. 英国航空公司每天有两个航班飞往曼谷,那里有前往金边的接续航班。
Were also significantly increasing our assistance to the region through the Asia Pacific Strategic Engagement Initiative announced by Secretary Clinton in Phnom Penh in July. 我们也正通过克林顿国务卿7月在金边宣布的亚太战略参与倡议实质性地增加我们对本地区的援助。
Yem lives in Cambodia In the capital city Phnom Penh. Yem住在柬埔寨的首都金边。
Phnom Penh is the seat of modern-day power. 金边是柬埔寨现代动力的根基所在。
The royals left in 1866 when the king chose Phnom Penh as a new capital. 1866年,时任国王将金边选作为新都,皇室从此离开了此处。
This Phnom Penh-based organisation tracked down 20 other master musicians, many of them destitute. 以金边为基地的这个组织拉拢了20位音乐大师,他们当中很多都穷困潦倒。
Officials at the Phnom Penh international airport confirmed the refugees arrived Thursday and were handed over to the International Organization for Migration, which is helping resettle them. 在金边国际机场,柬埔寨官员证实难民已于星期四抵达,并将这批难民交给了国际移民组织,由该组织负责对他们重新安置。
Phnom penh: most Cambodians live with two realities: rain and rice. 金边:多数柬埔寨人生活在两种现实:下雨和大米。
My picture was taken in that moment on Road No.1 from Saigon to Phnom Penh. 我的照片是在那一刻,从西贡到金边路1号。
Hundreds of people were on the narrow suspension bridge after attending a festival on an island in Phnom Penh. 悲剧发生时,数百人在金边的一个岛上参加了节日活动之后都试图过一座狭窄的悬索桥。
Metallic products and containers with Phnom Penh can not turn in a microwave oven, because it will be micro-reflection back. 金属产品和金边的容器不能再在微波炉,因为这将是微型反射回来。
I'd like to reconfirm my flight from Guilin to Phnom penh. 我要再确认一下我从桂林到金边的班机。
Mrs Clinton indicated on Tuesday that the US would raise concerns over the South China Sea during meetings in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where envoys from 26 Asia-Pacific countries and the European Union meet today. 克林顿夫人于周二指出,在金边(今日来自26个亚太国家的使节和欧盟开会的地方)安全会议期间,美国将提高对南中国海问题的担忧。
Phnom Penh, the capital, lacks a functioning train station. 作为首都,金边没有一个正常运行的火车站。
Thirty years after the downfall of Cambodia's Khmers Rouges, the first trial of one of their leading members for crimes committed during their rule began in Phnom Penh. 在柬埔寨的红色高棉倒台的三十年后,他们的一位领导者由于当初统治金边时所犯下的罪行受到了第一次审判。
But during the3 hours, the PR lady of cambodia told us a lot of interesting things about cambodia and the difficulties of Phnom Penh. 在我们等候的3个小时里,柬埔寨负责公共关系的一位女士给我们讲述了许多关于柬埔寨的趣闻和金边政府的难处。
A boy sits on his motorcycle adorned with a variety of kites and plastic toys to sell to customers walking the riverfront in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 柬埔寨金边市一个男孩坐在他的机车上,上面挂着各式风筝和塑料玩具准备卖给河岸上来往的客人。
Samples were collected from four close contacts who cared for her at the village and nine medical contacts from Kampot and Phnom Penh. 从该村庄照护她的4名密切接触者以及贡布和金边的9名医疗接触者那里采集了样本。
Her condition deteriorated rapidly on7 April, when she was taken to a district referral hospital and then transferred to Kuntha Bopha Hospital in Phnom Penh, where she died. 4月7日她被送到一所县转诊医院时状况迅速恶化,然后她被转到金边的KunthaBopha医院,她在那里死亡。
Her condition deteriorated rapidly and she was hospitalized in Phnom Penh on20 March. 她的病情迅速恶化,她于3月20日在金边住院。
She developed symptoms on7 August, was initially treated by local practitioners with no effect and was later admitted to Kantha Bopha Children Hospital in Phnom Penh on12 August. 她于8月7日出现症状,当地开业医生对其进行了初步治疗,但没有效果。病人随后于8月12日被收住到KanthaBopha儿童医院。
My career took me to many places across the world, Bucharest, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Manila, and Canberra. 在布加勒斯特、金边、雅加达、马尼拉和堪培拉,都有过美好的岁月,而每次告别都依依不舍。
The28-year-old man, from Kampot Province, developed symptoms on17 March and was hospitalized in Phnom Penh on21 March. 这名来自贡布省的28岁男子于3月17日出现症状并于3月21日在金边住院。
Ambulance sirens were heard in many parts of Phnom Penh soon after the accident. 事故发生后,金边多处都可听到警报器的哀鸣声。
In Phnom Penh, he will meet with King Norodom Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen. 在金边,他将会见诺罗敦·西哈莫尼国王和首相洪森。
The headquarter of chamber is set in Phnom Penh and has office in Chongqing. 本商会的总部设在金边,办事处设在重庆。
In addition to the company portfolio options, Phnom Penh bonds, currencies and indices corresponding options. 除了公司有价证券期权,金边债券,货币和指数都有相应的期权。
We finally arrived in phnom penh, the capital of Cambodia. 我们终于来到了柬埔寨首都金边。
I love you, Phnom Penh, pineapple sword! 我爱你,金边菠萝剑!