She had already been asleep for some time, dreaming as always, of Phoebus, when it seemed to her that she heard a noise near her. 当她听到近旁有些声响时,她已经睡着了好一会了,并且象往常一样梦着弗比斯。
Your service record precedes you, phoebus. 你的服役记录我已经看过了,菲比斯。
The romantic piano by young pianist Phoebus Chan and Jazz melodies will certainly bring you to the exotic "Music Corridor" filled with love and tender passion! 以醇厚爵士音乐及年轻钢琴手陈隽骞的浪漫钢琴恋曲,谱出动人旋律,让你沉醉在这回廊中!
Quasinodo, the bell striker naturally macrocephalic and accepted by Notre Dame de Paris, Frollo, coadjutor and Phoebus, the leader of housecarl, they let themselves go to beautiful Esmeralda. 天生畸形、被巴黎圣母院收容而担任敲钟人的卡西莫多,以及圣母院的副主教弗侯洛、与侍卫队的队长腓比斯,都情不自禁的爱上美丽的艾丝梅拉达。
If some day you see a sun light is shining to you, do not be undecided, sure that it is my Apollo phoebus. 如果哪一天你看到阳光正在照射着你,不用犹豫,一定是我用太阳神的光芒照着你。
Much better than phoebus, anyway. 不管怎样,总比“菲比斯”要好听多了。
The chariot of Phoebus is running into the long river. 日神菲比斯的战车正掉在长河之中。
Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung! 得洛斯矗立,太阳升起的地方!