Pinellia Tuber is the dry tuber of Pinellia ternala ( Thunb) Breit ( a Araceae plant). 半夏为天南星科植物半夏的干燥块茎。
Study on mathematical model of optimum fertilizer application to Pinellia ternate cultivation 半夏高产高效栽培最佳施肥数学模型研究
Response of Nutritional Growth and Photosynthesis to Enriching CO_2 in Pinellia ternata Plantlet of Sugar-free Tissue Culture 半夏无糖组培苗营养生长和光合生理对增施CO2的响应
Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated Chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase gene transformation for Pinellia ternata 农杆菌介导几丁质酶及β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因转化半夏的研究
Dry matter accumulation of Pinellia ternata and its characteristics of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption 半夏干物质积累与氮、磷、钾吸收特点的研究
Effect of Microelement on The Inductivity and Tissue Differentiation of Pinellia ternata Tissue Culture 微量元素对半夏组织培养诱导率及分化率的影响
Effect of Seed Coat Matrix Ratio on Germination Rate of Pinellia ternate Artificial Seeds 半夏人工种子种皮基质配比对萌发率的影响
Aim To study the anti-tumor effect and its mechanism of pinellia tuber polysaccharides ( PTP). 半夏露等中药能止咳定喘。目的探讨半夏多糖抗肿瘤作用及机制。
Objective To determine the effect of Pinellia on motion sickness in rats. 目的研究姜半夏对大鼠抗运动病作用的效果。
Growth Rhythm Comparison among Different Variation Types of Pinellia ternata 半夏种内不同变异类型生长节律的比较
Objective: Confirm the irritation of needle-like calcium oxalate crystals in raw Pinellia ternata. 目的:验证生半夏中草酸钙针晶的刺激性作用。
Investigation on Diseases of Pinellia Ternata ( Thunb.) Breit. in Guizhou, Control Technique Study of Damping-off 贵州省半夏病害种类调查及立枯病防治技术研究
Study on Analgesia Action and Acute Dermal Toxicity of Combined Aconite and Pinellia Ternata 乌头与半夏配伍外用镇痛疗效及皮肤急性毒性研究
Occurrence and Damage of the Main Pest Insects on Pinellia ternate in Guizhou and the Control Technique 贵州地道中药材半夏主要害虫发生危害与防治技术
Effects of Salicylic Acid on Endogenous Hormone Contents in Tumbled Sprout of Pinellia ternata under High Temperature Stress 水杨酸对高温胁迫下半夏幼苗内源激素含量的影响
Study on One Strain Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Pinellia ternata ( Thunb.) Breit Which Could Produce Lectins 一株产凝集素的三叶半夏内生真菌的研究
Study on Characteristics of Growth and Development from Pinellia ternata of Zhaotong 昭通半夏生长发育特性的观察与研究
Population Dynamic of Thrips on Pinellia ternate and the Control Technique 贵州地道中药材半夏蓟马田间消长动态及防治技术
Evaluation of Main Agronomic Traits in Four Different Leaf Types Pinellia ternata 4种叶型半夏主要农艺性状的比较研究
The Bioactivity of Ethanol Extracts of Pinellia ternate against Plutella xylostella 半夏乙醇提取物对小菜蛾幼虫生物活性的研究
Objective To discuss the genetic diversity of the germplasm resources of Pinellia ternata on molecular level. 目的分析半夏种质资源在分子水平上的遗传多样性。
Effects of calcium on the position effect and IAA content of the leaf stalks from Pinellia ternata 钙离子对半夏叶柄珠芽位置效应及其生长素含量的影响
Expression, Purification and Antifungal Characterization of Pinellia Ternate Agglutinin 半夏凝集素的表达、纯化及抗菌性质研究
Suppressive Effects of Ethanol Extracts of Pinellia ternate on Myzus persicae 半夏乙醇提取物对桃蚜的控制作用研究
Owing to change of farming technic and perennial dug, the resource of escape Pinellia Tuber is decreasing. 由于耕作技术的改变和常年采挖,半夏野生资源逐渐减少。
Infection Pattern and Dynamic Change of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Pinellia ternata 半夏丛枝菌根真菌侵染模式及侵染率动态变化
Study on Physiological Characteristics and Propagation Biotechnology of Pinellia Ternata ( Thunb.) Breit 半夏重要生理特性及繁殖生物技术研究
Research on the Pinellia Tuber Cultivation and the Comparison between the Wild Pinellia Tuber and the Cultivated Pinellia Tuber 半夏栽培实验及野生半夏与栽培半夏的对比研究
Studies on Preparation Technique and Germination of Pinellia ternata Artificial Seeds 半夏人工种子制作技术及其萌发研究