With her mother, Carole, and younger sister, Pippa, she paused for several minutes and waved to the delighted well-wishers who had gathered outside. 和她一同抵达住处的还有母亲卡罗尔和妹妹皮帕。凯特停留了几分钟,向兴奋地等在门外的祝福人群挥手致意。
Her speech coach, Pippa Bateman, was on Skype from Britain. 她的演讲指导老师皮帕·巴特曼在英国,通过Skype指导她。
Britain's Kate Middleton and her sister Pippa have bumped Lady Gaga off the international fashion map. 英国王妃凯特米德尔顿和妹妹皮帕将LadyGaga挤出了世界时尚榜单。
Paparazzi favorite Pippa Middleton is already a global celebrity. 近来,受狗仔队强力追捧的皮帕·米德尔顿俨然已经成为全球名人。
The designer Edwina Ibbotson, whose latest royal client is Pippa Middleton, says she can tell if a hat is right for a woman when she sees that sparkle in her eye. 设计师艾德维娜·依波逊(EdwinaIbbotson)的最新皇室客户是皮帕·米德尔顿(PippaMiddleton)。她说,一个女人如果戴对了帽子,你甚至可以看到她眼里的光芒。
Second was her sister Pippa, who shot to fame after slinking down the aisle at the royal wedding in a Sarah Burton dress, while former X Factor judge Cheryl Cole came third. 排名第二的是她的妹妹皮帕。在凯特的婚礼上,皮帕身穿莎拉波顿设计的伴娘礼服,陪姐姐走过婚礼殿堂,之后一炮走红。前《X达人秀》评委谢丽尔科尔排在第三位。
The look is said to have an aging effect on the young royal, but everyone from Pippa Middleton to Hayden Panettiere has picked up on the trend. 看起来这对年轻的皇室成员造成老化效应,但是从皮帕·米德尔顿到海顿·潘妮蒂尔都重拾这一潮流趋势。
Pippa had won silver in Equestrian in Sydney, missing the gold only by a whisker. 皮帕在悉尼曾经赢得了一枚马术的银牌,当时她距离金牌仅仅有一步之遥。
Pippa: there's no need to be worried. we're both fine. 皮帕:没有必要担心。我们都很好。
Jane and Pippa have just returned from walking in the hills. 珍妮和皮帕刚从山上走回家。
Somewhat recently-it started with Pippa Middleton-in that dress-followed by the release of Bridesmaidslast month. 从皮帕•米德尔顿身着伴娘礼服开始,到上月电影《伴娘》的上映,近段时间来伴娘这一人群颇受关注。
In Athens, Pippa will start as the clear favourite. 而这次在雅典,皮帕则是夺冠的绝对大热门。
Life-like? We can hardly tell the difference! Let us know how you rate Alison Jackson's Harry and Pippa photos. 是不是可以以假乱真?我们几乎都辨不清真伪!你对这组恶搞照片有什么看法,告诉我们!
So, Pippa, when you get to start doing sth about your life? 其实,只要你想,你什么时候都能开始你的新生活。