"The fact that a Sylvia Plath may die young does not necessarily mean an Introduction to Poetry class should carry a warning that poems may be hazardous to one's health," he said. 像西尔维亚·普拉斯这样的诗人可能英年早逝,但这并不等于我们应该在诗歌欣赏课上发出这样的警告:诗歌可能有害健康。
I've dubbed this the'Sylvia Plath Effect '. 我称这种现象为‘西尔维亚·普拉斯效应’。
The Repressed Growth& The Analysis of Sylvia Plath s Autobiographical Novel The Bell Jar; 压抑的成长&解读普拉斯的自传体小说《钟形罩》
The bell jar is an autobiographical novel written by Sylvia plath. 摘要《钟形罩》是普拉斯的自传体小说。
On the Tragedy of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath throughout Birthday Letters 《生日信札》:泰德·休斯和西尔维亚·普拉斯悲剧探析
Sylvia Plath made a version of it for girls, in "The Bell Jar"( 1963); 西尔维亚·普拉斯的《钟形罩》(1963年)便是一部为女孩作的翻版;
Loneliness and fear, and despair and death are the theme of Plath's poetry. 孤独与恐惧、绝望与死亡是普拉斯诗歌的主题。
Ths emotional tension reflected in Plath's "Morning Song"'s Inarrator's emotion changes within the poetry term tension is analyzed. 从诗歌理论术语“张力”入手,剖析诗中初为母亲的“我”的情感变化所凸显的情感张力。
This essay explores the motif of death in Plath's masterpiece Ariel through a close reading of the poetry under the perspective of Freud's instinct theory. 本文通过文本细读,结合传记资料,借弗洛伊德生死本能论的视角,拟在探究普拉斯晚期代表诗作《阿丽尔》中的死亡主题以及背后的创作动因。
Flowers Blooming in the Hell Flames: On the Poppy Poems of Sylvia Plath 地狱之火中绽放的花朵:普拉斯的罂粟诗篇解读
This article analyses how the strong self-consciousness in Sylvia Plath's confessional poems is established from three perspectives: nature and self, other and self, body and self. 本文从自然与自我、他人与自我、身体与自我三个层面,分析了自白派诗人西尔维亚.普拉斯自白诗中所体现出的强烈的自我意识是如何确立的。
Finally, it was Robert Plath, who was an airline pilot, who invented a new, wheeled suitcase, which he patented in1991. 后来一个叫罗伯特·普拉斯的飞行员,发明了一种滚轮行李箱,并且在1991年取得专利权。
Water, darkness mirror: reading Plath's The Bell Jar from perspective of psychoanalysis Hippel's Academic Contributions to Innovation Management Theories A Scientometrics View 水·黑·镜&从精神分析视野解读西尔维亚·普拉斯的《钟形罩》埃里克·冯·希普尔创新管理理论学术贡献的计量分析
Centering round Plath and her poems, this paper intends to explore and reveal female psychology after WW. 本论文以普拉斯及其诗歌为研究对象,探索、揭示二战后女性心理。
I felt pure and sweet as a new baby-sylvia plath; pure as the driven snow. 我感觉到婴儿般的纯洁甜美-希尔维亚普莱斯;象雪一样的纯洁。
I felt pure and sweet as a new baby ( Sylvia Plath) 我感到像新生儿一样无邪且甜蜜(西尔维亚普拉斯)
Sylvia Plath is one of the most important woman poets in last century. 希尔维亚·普拉斯是上个世纪最重要的女诗人。
Sylvia Plath has become a heroine and martyr of the feminist movement. 西尔维亚·普拉斯是西方女性主义运动的英雄和殉道者。
Sylvia Plath ( 1932-1963) is a well-known poet and novelist in American literature of twentieth century. 西尔维亚·普拉斯(SylviaPlath,1932-1963)是二十世纪中期美国文学史上一位著名诗人、作家。
Plath has integrated her life into her poetry by depicting different kinds of women and their delicate relationship with men in their lives. 普拉斯的生活融入了她的诗,她在诗中描写了一系列具有不同女性的女性形象,并对女性在不同的生命阶段与其周围人,特别是男性的微妙关系作了文学阐释。
Female experience is one of her important themes, and Plath's expression of it is both romantic and sentimental, bold yet honest. 女性体验是普拉斯诗歌创作的重要主题,对这一主题的书写表达了普拉斯既有女性的浪漫与敏感,又兼备了女性少有的率直与勇敢。
As a confessional poet, Anne Sexton followed Sylvia Plath's example and ultimately committed suicide. 安妮·塞克斯顿是继西尔维亚·普拉斯之后第二位自杀的自白派诗人。
Sylvia Plath is a celebrated American poet, novelist and short story writer. 西尔维娅·普拉斯是著名美国诗人、小说家以及短篇故事作家。
Plath was sensitive to color inherently and familiar with skills of art of painting to apply color, and she applied the comprehension to her poetry creation to express her unique life experience. 普拉斯对色彩有着天生的敏感,她深谙绘画艺术对色彩的使用技巧,并将这种领悟运用到诗歌创作中表达其独特的生命体验。
Plath committed suicide three weeks after the novel was published. 普拉斯在发表该小说后的三周在家中开煤气自杀。
Sylvia Plath ( 1932-1963) is a famous American confessional writer. 西尔维娅·普拉斯(1932-1963)是美国著名的自白派作家。
Sylvia Plath ( 1932-1963) is an important writer in contemporary American literature. 西尔维亚·普拉斯(1932-1963)是当代美国文学中一位重要的作家,其诗歌的一个重要特点是充满了对女性与自然的密切关注。
Only mad Plath can create similar mad Esther. 只有疯癫的普拉斯才能创作出同样疯癫的埃斯特。