We treat each other with respect and we have a great working relationship. Personal relationships are not* an issue, said a serious-faced Mr Poindexter. 大家互相尊重,工作关系良好,不会发生个人情感方面的问题。
Mr Poindexter and his six crew members, including the first Japanese mother in space Naoko Yamazaki, were in Tokyo to talk about their two-week resupply mission to the International Space Station. 波因德克斯特曾于今年4月带领六名宇航员飞赴国际空间站执行为期两周的空间站补给任务。这六名宇航员中包括日本首位太空妈妈山崎直子。
We are a group of professionals, said Alan Poindexter, a NASA commander, during a visit to Tokyo, when asked about the consequences if astronauts boldly went where no others have been. 美国宇航局的指挥官阿兰波因德克斯特日前在东京(出席发布会时)被问及如果宇航员发生太空性爱该如何处理时一脸严肃地说:我们都是专业人士。
Poindexter, my publisher, had commissioned me to write a third novel. 我的出版商波因德克斯特已委托我写第三部小说。
Commander Alan Poindexter is leading the Discovery's crew on a13-day mission that includes a stop at the space station. 号机组总指挥波因德克斯特率领机组为期13天的任务,包括在空间站的停留。