The Coping Strategies of Dizygotic and Monozygotic Twin Pregnancy in Assisted Reproductive Technology Reproductive Performance in Two Populations of Polygonum viviparum ( Polygonaceae) under Different Habitats 在辅助生殖技术中应对双胎妊娠的策略不同生境下珠芽蓼(蓼科)的繁殖策略比较
Reproductive Performance in Two Populations of Polygonum viviparum ( Polygonaceae) under Different Habitats 不同生境下珠芽蓼(蓼科)的繁殖策略比较
A Taxonomic Study on Polygonaceae from Pamirs of China 中国帕米尔高原蓼科植物分类学研究
Many plant species with antimicrobial activities are mainly among the families Compositae, Labiatae, Leguminosae, Liliaceae, Polygonaceae and Umbelliferae. 这些抗菌植物主要分布在菊科、唇形科、豆科、百合科、蓼科和伞形科。
The pollen morphology of 13 species, 1 varieties and 1 forma of the genus Polygonum s. str. ( Polygonaceae) in China were examined through the scanning electron microscope ( SEM). 利用扫描电镜研究了中国扁蓄属(Polygonum)13种、1变种、1变型植物的花粉形态。
Studies on pollen ex in e ultrastructure of the Polygonaceae 蓼科花粉外壁超微结构的研究
The Relationship of Transpiration and Mineral Absorption of Three Wild Species of Polygonaceae Cultured in the Eutrophic Water 富营养化水中三种野生蓼科植物蒸腾和营养吸收的关系
Polygonum cuspidatum, the highest resveratrol content plant discovered in the nature at present, is the perennial herbaceous plant of polygonaceae. 虎杖为蓼科多年生草本植物,是到目前为止人们发现的自然界中含白藜芦醇最高的植物;
A Study on the Medicinal Plant Seeds Germination of Polygonaceae 蓼科药用植物种子发芽的研究
Comparism of Plasma Membrane Response to Al~ ( 3+) Stress Between Polygonaceae Plants and Gramineae Plants 蓼科、禾本科植物细胞膜对铝胁迫反应的比较研究
A new distributing species of Polygonaceae in Yunnan 云南农田蓼科杂草一新分布种
The weeds of Polygonaceae family are important weeds damaging tobacco in the fields in the east-south of China. They greatly affected the output and quality of tobacco leaf. 蓼科杂草是东南烟区烟田的重要为害杂草,对烟叶的产质量造成重大影响。
Micromorphological features of the achene surfaces of Polygonaceae in China 中国蓼科植物果皮的微形态特征
The Polygonaceae is an important family of medicinal plants. 蓼科是药用植物重要的一个科。
The genus Polygonum ( Polygonaceae) contains rich medicinal plants. Among the 120 Polygonum species in China, 81 species were recorded to have medicinal uses in traditional Chinese medicine and folk medicine. 蓼属(Polygonum)是蓼科中的一个药用大属,我国约有120种,其中81种供药用,包括许多著名的中药和民间药。
Et Zucc, a kind of perennial herb of Polygonaceae, widely distributes in the south areas from Qinling mountain of China. 为多年生蓼科草本植物,在我国广泛分布于秦岭以南地区,根或根茎入药。
Species of family Polygonaceae; 蓼科1种;
Galerucella grisescens is an important natural enemy which could significantly control Polygonaceae weeds in tobacco fields. 褐背小萤叶甲是烟田蓼科杂草的重要天敌,对蓼科杂草具有良好的自然控制作用。
Three new species in the genus Polygonum ( Polygonaceae) from China 中国蓼属(蓼科)三新种
Geographic Distribution Patterns of Pollen Types in Polygonaceae of China and Their Relationship to Ecological Factors 中国蓼科花粉类型的地理分布格局及其与生态因子的关系
In the fields of tobacco-rice crop rotation, malignant herbs are annual or biannial gramineae, polygonaceae, etc. 烟-稻轮作烟地主要是一年生和二年生杂草危害,禾本科、石竹科、蓼科为主要恶性杂草;
A survey of literature shows that little study has been done on uptake of pollutants by plants from the Polygonaceae, and that the reports about their physiological and biochemical characteristics under heavy metal stress were sporadically seen. 文献检索表明,有关蓼科植物蓄积环境污染物的研究并不多,它们在污染条件下的生理生化特性更是少见报导。
Species of Celastraceae, Polygonaceae, Labiatae and Solanaceae, respectively. 卫矛科、蓼科、唇形科、茄科各4种。
Tartary buckwheat ( Tatar buckwheat) belongs to the Polygonaceae buckwheat, is a medicine used along with the grain crops. 苦荞属于蓼科荞麦属也称为鞑靼荞麦(Tartarybuckwheat),是一种粮药兼用的一年生作物。