I wonder from where he got the Promethean fire to produce such a masterpiece. 我真不明白他从哪里得来这种创造热情,创作出了这样的杰作。
The verdict is not yet in, and biologists are still divided on the mechanism by which this Promethean plant managed to acquire and control fire. 这种普罗米修斯式的植物是如何获得火种控制火焰的?生物学家对其运行机制依然众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
The trunk is so big as to hold a great deal of water. Azoth: Azoth is the amount of purified Pyros the Promethean has within him. 它的长鼻子很大,能储存很多水。水银∶活尸体内纯粹圣火的储存量。
Great Work, the: The alchemical operation of transforming the Promethean into a mortal. Its stages and procedures are the milestones of the Pilgrimage, guided by the discipline of the Refinements. 宏构:以炼金术将活尸转化为人类的技术。其阶段与步骤为朝圣的里程碑,并以精炼规则引导。
Promethean's Azothic radiance awakens Pandorans from Dormancy. 活尸的水银辐射会将尸祸从休眠中唤醒。
If you want to amount to something, you must seize time by the forelock, lay siege to optimal choice and let promethean fire emit light and heat. 有所作为,就在于抓住时光,努力追寻“最优抉择”,让生命之火顺应时代发光发热。
Redeemed, the: Prometheans who have become mortal. Most retain no memory of their Promethean lives. 救赎者:成为凡人的活尸。大多不再拥有自己身为活尸的记忆。
Tammuz: A Promethean Lineage. Brutes reborn in the womb of the earth and stricken with an excess of melancholic humour. Their Progenitor was a Babylonian Golem. 塔穆兹:活尸的世系之一。他们在大地的子宫中重生,体质以黑胆汁为主。其先祖为巴比伦的魔偶。
Azoth: Azoth is the amount of purified Pyros the Promethean has within him. Clinical Observation on Clearing Away Heat and Reducing Fire Treatment to Acute Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic 水银∶活尸体内纯粹圣火的储存量。清热泻火为主治疗颈动脉粥样硬化疗效观察
Disquiet: An invisible aura emitted by the Promethean that is deleterious to humans, animals and even the land itself. 恶躁:从活尸身上散发出的无形灵气,对人类、动物甚至土地都有害。
The popular conception of a Promethean being created by a mortal refers to a demiurge. 这是造成活尸与人类疏远的主要原因。
Brand: A body mark made by Pyros signifying a Promethean's membership in an alchemical pact. 烙印:活尸身上以圣火标记的烙印,代表其为某契约的成员。
I know not where is that Promethean heat that can thy light relume. 我不知道什么地方有那天上的神火能够燃烧你原来的光彩。
In the inner sanctum she is represented by a mirror ( her body). Azoth: Azoth is the amount of purified Pyros the Promethean has within him. 圣殿内放着一面镜子,那便是她的化身。水银∶活尸体内纯粹圣火的储存量。
The result of a demiurge's act of creation is a Progenitor, the prototype Promethean of a Lineage. 造物主的作品就被称为先祖,也是该世系的原型。
Aurum& The Refinement of Mortality teaches a Promethean how to move among humans as if he were one of them. 金之精炼&人性的精炼告诉了魔偶如何像人类一分子般行走在他们之中。
The first part of my paper sets off a discussion about how Mary Shelley interprets Romantic idealism through her creation of Frankenstein, drawing on several literary resources, namely, the Promethean myth, Goethe's Faust, Paradise Lost, the Byronic hero and Caleb Williams. 论文的第一部分通过分析作者对弗兰肯斯坦的人物创作思想及其文学根源(包括普罗米修斯的神话、歌德的浮士德、《失乐园》、拜伦式英雄及《卡莱布·威廉斯》)宋探讨她对浪漫理想主义的阐释。
The first part exhibits different forms of Tricksters before Spiritual Journey in connection with Miltonic Samson, in which we may find similar attributes in the beginning stage of a Trickster journey: Samson the Promethean hero and Samson the Trickster monkey. 第一章论述了弥尔顿的参孙在精神之旅前所展示的不同形态,如偷火的普罗米修斯,神猴孙悟空,以及他们如何用物质的手段造福于人类。