Prometheus faced his bitter fate firmly and never lost courage before Zeus. 而他坚定地面对苦难,从来不在宙斯面前丧失勇气。
The book's title comes from the Greek myth of Prometheus who, as one of the immortals, stole fire from the gods and gave it to earthly mortals. 本书的名字源自于希腊神话普罗米修斯,他作为一个神,从宙斯那里偷来火并给了世间的人类。
The ruling in Mayo V Prometheus was unequivocal. So was the horrified reaction from the biotechnology industry. 对梅奥医疗机构和普罗米修斯实验室的判决是毫不含糊的,而这就引发了生物技术产业的恐慌。
Like the destiny of Prometheus, carrying kindling and bearing hardship, wandering between optimism and pessimism – perhaps this is the destiny of all creative individuals. 怀揣火种,忍受煎熬,普罗米修斯式的幸福与痛,在乐观与悲观之间徘徊&或许这就是创意人的宿命和未来吧。
I just want what Prometheus wanted. 我想要的东西和普洛米修斯一样。
We live in the age of Prometheus, the mythological titan who brought fire to humanity and was punished by Zeus, king of the gods. 我们生活在普罗米修斯时代,这个神话巨人为人类带来了火种,因而被众神之神宙斯惩罚。
The Olympic flame derives comes Prometheus, an ancient Greek god. 圣火,起源于古希腊神话传说。
Truth shall restore the light by nature given, and, like prometheus, bring the fire of heaven! 真理,你将恢复自然所给予的光,如象普罗美修士带来天火一样!
Prometheus in Greek mythology brought fire to man. 希腊神话中的普罗米修斯把火带给人类。
As mythological characters, both Christ and Prometheus love man and possess the spirit of enduring suffer-ings for him, and can be called "saints" and "martyrs"; 作为神话人物,普罗米修斯和耶稣都有爱人类并为之承受苦难的献身精神,均可称为“圣者”与“殉道者”。
Prometheus took some earth and mixed it with water. 普罗米修斯用一些土和水混合在一起。
Prometheus was a God who stole the power of fire from the other gods. 普洛米修斯从其它神那里偷了火的力量。
In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities. 在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。
One day he discovered the theftof his shining red flower, and knew that Prometheus was the thief. 有一天,他发现自己那朵绚烂的红花被偷走了,并且知道普罗米修斯就是那个小偷。
Hermes as an inventor of fire is a parallel of the Titan, Prometheus. 赫密士也是火的发明者,与提坦人(太阳神,巨人)和普罗米修斯相似。
There Prometheus hung on the rock for hundreds of years. 普罗米修斯就这样被绑在石头上好几百年。
Prometheus knew he had to give something good to man. 普罗米修斯知道他必须给人类一样好东西。
Zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the Prometheus 'favor towards men. 宙斯看穿了他的把戏。普罗米修斯偏袒人类,这使宙斯感到不快。
He called the Titans Prometheus and Epimetheus to him. 他把两名泰坦人普罗米修斯和伊比米修斯找来。
Finally Prometheus revealed the secrets of knowledge, wisdom and the human spirit to Man. 最终普罗米修斯向人类透露了知识、智慧和精神的秘密。
To some extent, King, like Prometheus, illuminated the road to liberation for the American black people. 从某种程度上说,金就象美国黑人的普罗米修斯,照亮了美国黑人解放的道路。
Olympic torch did not originate from the memorial of Prometheus, but from the man's worship of ancestor. 奥运圣火并不是起源于人类对恩神普罗米修斯的纪念,而是起源于他们的祖先崇拜。
The great Greek hero Hercules eventually freed Prometheus. 最后是伟大的希腊英雄海克力斯拯救了普罗米修斯。
Prometheus bestowed on his creation the gift of fire, which raised man above all animals. 普罗米修斯又赠给他火,从而使人类进化成为万物之灵。
Zeus ordered Prometheus to make a wise animal, and this we call man. 宙斯命令普罗米修斯创造一种有智慧的动物,我们称之为人类。
Episode-based payments such as the Prometheus System pay doctors a set fee for treatment of a given condition. 疾病事件付费,如普罗米修斯系统(PrometheusSystem),根据治疗一个确定的疾病付费。
The Prometheus was severely damaged. 飞船受到了极大的损坏。
But Prometheus regained the treasure, stealing it from heaven in a hollow tube. 但是普罗米修斯用一根空心管子从天府偷盗火种,再次取得了宝贵的天火。
Afterwards, Prometheus returned to Mount Olympus. 后来普罗米修斯重返奥林帕斯山。
But Prometheus said that Epimetheus had to be careful with Zeus 'gift. 但普罗米修斯却说伊比米修斯必须小心天神宙斯送来的这个礼物。