Protestantism was first brought to China in the early 19th century. 基督教于公元19世纪初传入中国。
Umberto Eco, an Italian novelist, once compared Apple's platform to Catholicism and Microsoft's to Protestantism. 一名意大利小说家恩贝托.艾克曾经将苹果比作天主教,而将微软比作新教。
Britain, after all, is an invented state, forged since the 18th century through imperial adventures, shared protestantism and common enemies. 毕竟,英国是一个人为构造的国家,是在18世纪以后,通过帝国探险、共同信奉的新教主义和共同的敌人缔结而成的国家。
Many practice in sex I mean, divisions within Protestantism, are happy with the idea of sex. 我是说很多新教的分支,对性不会感到不爽。
( religion) of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of Protestantism adhering to the views of Wesley. (宗教)属于或关于新教中坚持卫斯理观点那一教派的,或有其特征的。
The Comparison of Self-control Between Protestantism Ethics and Confucian Ethics 新教伦理与儒家伦理的自制思想之比较
But Protestantism and mighty enemies no longer serve to unite. 但是,如今新教和强大的敌人不再起到团结国民的作用。
Khomyakov always compared ideal Eastern Orthodox Church with Catholicism and Protestantism in reality. 霍米亚科夫一直把理想的东正教和现实的天主教、新教进行对比。
The leading role of protestantism; 新教占主导地位;
Such a development creates a huge impact on Catholicism and Protestantism in the West, because this is in direct conflict with the doctrine that "man is created by God". 但是这个发展对西方的天主教与基督教就有大冲击,因为牵涉到“上帝造人”的定义。
Prussian Protestantism in the Process of the Development of Modernization 现代化发展进程中的普鲁士新教教会
For all its power and commanding influence, the social gospel movement was a development in urban Protestantism. 从社会福音运动的全部力量和权威性影响来看,它是城市新教的一种发展。
Catholicism and Protestantism were introduced into Shanxi in 1620 1876 respectively. 天主教、新教分别于1620、1876年传入山西。
-Protestantism was first brought to China in the early 19th century and spread widely after the Opium War. 基督教(新教)于公元十九世纪初传入中国,并在鸦片战争后大规模传入。
Some have erroneously concluded from the teachings of traditional Protestantism that the only requirement to be justified is faith. 某些人从新教的教导中得出错误的结论,认为唯一应被评判的是人的信心。
The domination of the spiritual life by the church was attacked by Protestantism in the sixteenth century. 16世纪,教会对精神生活的支配地位受到了来自新教会方面的抨击。
In many American versions of Protestantism, the sinner can be born again. You sin, but then you embrace Jesus, and He cleanses you. 在许多美国版新教教义中,犯错之人可以重生。你有过错,但是当你投入到耶稣的怀抱,他可以净化你。
The16th century saw tremendous religious changes in Europe: Martin Luther founded a new Christian denomination called Protestantism. 16世纪宗教发生巨大改革。欧洲的马丁路德成立了新的基督教派别叫抗罗宗(新教)。
After the Reformation, Protestantism in Bohemia had been trampled out by the hordes of Rome. 在改革运动发起之后,波希米亚的新教受到了罗马侵略军的蹂躏。
As Protestantism and puritanism descended on London during the 16th century, Southwark became a place of theatres and brothels, servicing the seamier side of city life. 16世纪时,随着新教和清教主义传入伦敦,萨瑟克市变成了剧场和妓院密集区,为城市生活的阴暗面服务。
Under his leadership Halle became the center of Protestantism's most ambitious missionary endeavors to that time. 在他的领导下成为哈雷中心的新教最雄心勃勃的传教士努力的时间。
China's Protestantism and Catholicism have maintained friendly contacts with churches in many countries. 中国基督教和天主教与世界上许多国家教会建立了友好往来关系。
Prussian Protestantism could not get rid of the control of the nation in the process of the development of modernization. 摘要普鲁士新教教会在现代化进程中一直摆脱不了国家的控制。
It is the period of struggle between Catholicism and Protestantism. 这是一段之间的斗争,天主教和基督教。
Capital and largest city of Northern Ireland; the center of Irish Protestantism. 北爱尔兰首府及最大城市;爱尔兰新教的中心。
In the past few decades the Chinese Protestantism and Catholicism have stuck to the principle of independence and self-management, which has met with assent and support from the vast majority of believers and enabled the church and its religious activities to develop soundly. 几十年来,中国基督教、天主教坚持独立自主自办方针,得到了广大信教群众的认同和支持,也使教会和宗教活动有了健康发展。
Evangelical Protestantism and its impact in the first half of the 19th century 福音新教及其对十九世纪上半叶美国社会改革的影响