The philosopher Alain de Botton, author of How Proust Can Change Your Life, and Sophie Howarth, a former curator at the Tate Modern Gallery, are among the faculty members. 《拥抱似水年华》的作者、哲人阿兰•德•波顿和泰特现代美术馆的前馆长索菲•豪沃思都是这个学校的教职人员。
Proust started writing it in 1909, and was still working on until he fell ill for the final time, weeks before his death in November 1922. 普鲁斯特于1909年开始创作,直到1922年11月因病去世前的那段时间依然在写作。
Although the sprawling novel continued to be published five years after his death, Proust raised the funds to publish the first part of it himself in 1913. 1913年普鲁斯特自己筹钱发表了小说的第一部分,他去世之后,这部小说又接连发表了五年的时间。
Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. Marcel Proust, French writer. 愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。
When I was a boy "discovering literature", I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T.E.Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka. 我还是个“探索文学”的毛头小伙子时,老是想,要是大街小巷人人都熟知普鲁斯特、乔伊斯、T•E•劳伦斯、帕斯捷尔纳克与卡夫卡,那该多好。
Just ask Marcel Proust. 关于这一点,只要问一问马塞尔普鲁斯特(《追忆逝水年华》作者)就好了。
In short, Proust's voice is like Albertine's face: it invites interpretation and resists explanation; 总而言之,普鲁斯特的表达就像艾伯丁的脸一样多变:它需要人们去阐释但又难以被阐释;
Marcel Proust might have said that her work is an astonishing revelation of the'mysterious phenomenon of scintillation '. 马赛尔·普鲁斯特要是看过她的作品,可能会为其显示出“天才的神秘之处”而感到惊讶。
It was there that he met Antonin proust, who was to become a great lifetime friend. 就是在绘画课上他遇到了安东尼普鲁斯特,他们后来成为终身朋友。
"View of Delft", which proudly portrays his home town, was described by Proust as" the most beautiful picture in the world ". 代尔夫特的风景颇为自豪地描绘了他的家乡,被普鲁斯特描写成世界上最漂亮的画。
The entry for D& D on Wikipedia is twice the length of the article on Proust. 维基百科上有关龙与地下城的条目是有关普鲁斯特(注释2)作品的文章的两倍多。
A powerful idea commissions some of its strength to him who challenges it.& Marcle Proust, French writer 权威的思想将它的某些力量赋予敢于向它挑战的人。法国作家普鲁斯特
This paper is to explore Proust s concept of mental time. 本文的宗旨是探讨普鲁斯特的心理时间。
The novels of Proust and Joyce were written in a cultural twilight and were not intended to be read under the blaze and dazzle of popularity. 普鲁斯特和乔伊斯的小说,创作于暗淡的文化暮色之中,本来就无意让人在大众化的耀眼光焰下阅读。
Seven years after the first questionnaire, Proust was asked, at another social event, to fill out another. 在第一份问卷七年后,普鲁斯特在一个社交场合中被要求填写另一份问卷。
Proust's fanatical admirers, of whom I am one, can read every word of his REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST with interest. 普鲁斯特的狂热信徒们(我即其中之一)都会兴趣盎然地把他的《往事的回忆》一字不漏地读下去哩。
Proust is the master who gave this truth a literary form. 普鲁斯特(Proust)是这一问题上的大师,他为上述真理提供了文学的形式。
The chapter on literature attempts to describe the essential features of numerous major writers-Joyce, Proust, Tolstoy, Kafka, etc. 本书关于文学的一章试图描述众多重要作家的基本特点,如乔伊斯、鲁斯特、尔斯泰、夫卡等。
It is fitting that Proust understood Vermeer's proud statement about Delft. 普鲁斯特能理解弗米尔对代尔夫特自豪的表现是很自然的。
Vivian: So you do get up. I was beginning to think perhaps you worked in bed like Marcel Proust. 维薇安:那么你是起床了。我还以为你像普鲁斯特那样在床上办公呢。
Proust had his apartment soundproofed. 普鲁斯特把他的公寓隔了音。
Although Proust and Balzac are respectively masters of fiction of stream of consciousness and realism, there are obvious connections between them. 普鲁斯特和巴尔扎克是意识流与现实主义的两位大师,却存在明显的渊源关系。
Some people have suggested that Proust is not a novelist at all, but an essayist. 有些人提出,普鲁斯特根本不是小说家,而是散文作家。
Proust featured the painting in his surrealist novel Remembrance of Things Past. 在超现实主义小说《追忆逝水年华》中,普鲁斯特突出介绍了这幅画。
On "Fragment of Aesthetics" in Fei Ming and Marcel Proust's Novels 论废名与普鲁斯特小说之断片的美学
It was while I was convalescing that I managed to read the complete works of Marcel proust. 我正是在休养期间读完了马塞尔普鲁斯特的全集。
But, Nabokov's relationship to this modernist past is not just the burlesque that he visits on Eliot, is not just this complicated attraction and dis-identification that he works on with Proust. 但是,纳博科夫和现代主义者的关系不只是,他对艾略特的滑稽模仿,也不只是和普鲁斯特,复杂的吸引和不认同。
A new version of In Search of Lost Time makes Proust less stuffy, but has something been lost in translation? 新译本的《追忆似水年华》使得普鲁斯特读起来轻松了不少,但是不是丢失了点什么呢?
Tradition and Innovation: A Comparative Study of Proust and Balzac 双峰并峙继往开来&普鲁斯特与巴尔扎克