Then, it updates its Internet control block with the foreign IP address and port number and returns to the PRU_CONNECT case statement. 然后使用外来IP地址和端口号更新其Internet控制块,并返回到PRUCONNECT示例语句。
For example, the capped partition E has PrU= 2 and VP= 4. 例如,capped分区E有PrU=2和VP=4。
The Pru has a fund management and insurance joint venture in China with CITIC, the Chinese state-owned investment company, and a presence in 13 countries across the region. 保诚与中国国有投资公司中信(citic)在中国成立了一家基金管理和保险合资公司;保诚在亚洲的业务遍及13个国家。
Investors have expressed concerns about the price tag for AIA and the Pru's ability to manage a complex integration in 12 Asian markets. 投资者已经对收购友邦保险的价格表示担心,同时也担心保诚是否有能力在12个亚洲市场进行复杂的整合。
Investors in Britain's biggest insurer will vote next month on a$ 21bn rights issue that is needed to fund the Pru's take-over of AIA, AIG's Asian arm. 保诚是英国最大的保险公司,该公司股东将于下月就210亿美元的配股发行进行投票&保诚需要通过配股,为收购AIG旗下亚洲业务友邦保险(AIA)筹集资金。
The Pru would like to diversify its shareholder base away from its heavy UK bias to reflect better the sources and diversity of its business, and Asia is potentially among the best sources of fresh capital. 保诚希望实现股东基础多元化,摆脱浓厚的英国特征,以更好地反映其业务的来源和多样性,而亚洲可能是新资本金的最佳来源地。
The Asian bond holdings were revealed as part of the Pru's mammoth prospectus, which was published yesterday following the launch of its$ 21bn rights issue on Monday. 保诚在昨日公布的篇幅巨大的招股说明书中,披露了友邦保险所持的亚洲债券。此前,保诚在周一启动了210亿美元配股发行。
Shares in the Pru's rival Aviva have also fallen sharply, and with business in Asia, it could also be an attractive target for an overseas investor looking to take a strategic stake. 保诚竞争对手英杰华(Aviva)的股价最近也急剧下跌。英杰华在亚洲开展有业务,因此,对于寻求战略性持股的外国投资者来说,该公司可能也是个有吸引力的目标。
The plan made sense at the time, analysts said, because it would have allowed Asian investors to take part in the$ 21bn rights issue with which the Pru planned to fund the AIA deal. 分析师们表示,该计划当时是合理的,因为它本将让亚洲投资者参与210亿美元的配股发行,保诚计划利用这笔资金为收购友邦的交易融资。
The investor could take a stake of up to 20 per cent in the Pru. 战略投资者可能会持有保诚多达20%的股权。
The chances of the Pru getting a vote in favour of its deal appeared still finely balanced yesterday with a number of investors and analysts saying they remained sceptical. 保诚在股东大会上获得支持其收购交易的投票结果的可能性,昨日似乎仍很难说,许多投资者和分析师表示,他们仍持怀疑态度。
The Indian business of AIA will be sold to its joint venture partner Tata on completion in a pre-arranged sale, while in Malaysia the Pru will bring in a minority stake holder. 友邦保险的印度业务将在收购完成后,按照预先安排的出售交易,出售给其合资伙伴塔塔集团(Tata);而在马来西亚,保诚将引入一家少数股权投资者。
A Hong Kong listing could encourage some Asian investors to buy into the Pru ahead of its rights issue. 在香港上市有望鼓励一些亚洲投资者在保诚配股发行之前购买其股票。
The three banks, Clifford Chance, the Pru and the FSA, all declined to comment. 上述三家银行、高伟绅律所、保诚以及英国金管局均拒绝置评。
The deal ultimately failed after Pru shareholders forced the company to renegotiate the price. 在保诚迫于股东压力、提出重新商议收购价之后,交易最终告吹。
The news came as Pru executives are meeting investors to try to convince them to back its takeover of the Asian businesses of AIG, a deal that would double size of the group and which demands a$ 21bn-equivalent rights issue. 这则消息传来之际,正值保诚高管在会晤投资者,试图说服他们支持保诚收购美国国际集团(AIG)亚洲业务。这笔交易将使保诚集团的规模扩大1倍,但需要增发210亿美元新股。
However, the Pru had filed its application to list at the beginning of last month. 不过,上月初保诚已递交了上市申请。
A final irony here is that incrementalism has served the Pru well so far in Asia. 在这方面,具有讽刺意味的最后一点是,迄今为止,渐进主义让保诚在亚洲受益匪浅。
And it is into these economies where the Pru has been pushing the most investment. 也正是在这些经济体,保诚一直在大举投资。
However, it would be relatively unconcerned if he did leave, according to one person familiar with the Pru. The company told investors that it had moved quickly to stabilise AIA by putting retention packages in place for senior individuals. 不过,一位熟悉保诚的人士说,如果麦智信选择离开,保诚也相对不会太担心。该公司表示,它已迅速采取行动,面向高级雇员制定了人才挽留计划,以稳定友邦保险。
While disgruntled investors have made it clear to the Pru how unhappy they are with the deal, they are wary of losing Tidjane Thiam, chief executive, and destabilising the company, which would be likely if the deal was voted down. 尽管满腹牢骚的投资者清楚地向保诚表明,自己对交易有多么不满,但他们仍不希望失去首席执行官迪德简蒂亚姆(tidjanethiam),破坏公司的稳定如果交易被投票否决了,这种情况就相当可能发生。
But insiders believe Ping An could show its hand to the Pru at any time. 但内部人士认为,平安随时可能对保诚采取行动。
The Pru recently cut a distribution deal with UOB, one of Singapore's biggest banks, as part of which it took over the company's own life business. 保诚最近与新加坡最大银行之一大华银行(UOB)达成了一项分销协议,作为交易的一部分,保诚接手了UOB旗下的寿险业务。
The Pru said in the prospectus for its rights issue released last week that Mr Wilson would remain chief executive of AIA after the takeover. 保诚上周公布的配股发行说明书中说,在收购友邦后,麦智信仍将担任总裁。
Yet the question remains whether institutional pressure to prevent the Pru overpaying for AIA is well directed. 然而问题仍然在于,机构为阻止保诚溢价收购友邦而施压是否有道理。
Proxy votes for the Pru deal must be submitted early next week but the mechanics of registering votes with custodians means that some of the biggest investors must vote by tomorrow. 针对保诚交易的代理投票必须在下周初提交,但托管人登记投票的操作流程意味着,一些最主要的投资者必须最迟在明天投票。
However, losing important staff before the deal has even been approved by shareholders could affect adversely the assets the Pru is buying. 然而,在交易尚未获得股东批准之前便失去重要员工,可能会对保诚正要购买的资产产生负面影响。