PS. Please show your friends this letter and the enclosed leaflet. 附:请把这封信和内装的小册子给你的朋友们看看。
To run ps, bash forks to create a new process; the new process reincarnates itself using execution, turning into a new instance of ps. 为了运行ps,bash会分叉,创建一个新进程;新进程通过使用执行,使其本身得以重生,转化为ps的一个新的实例。
Try top or ps. 可以尝试使用top或ps。
Now, within the limitations of the way the two systems operate with respect to ps, you have a standard output from ps. 现在,在这两个系统对ps的不同操作方式的限制下,您获得了ps产生的标准输出。
But what happens to those of us who are not VIPs, or even IPs? Maybe we are just Ps. Then the trick is to pretend we're more important than the other guys. 但假如我们既不是达官贵人,也谈不上有什么权势,而只是最普通的人,我们又该怎么办?有个诀窍是,让我们看上去显得比其他人更重要。
A couple of weeks ago I cracked and sent an e-mail in which I included this as a PS. I write about customer service in the Financial Times and this is the worst example that I have seen. 几周前,我崩溃了,给EasyJet发了一封电子邮件,在信末附了一段话:我在英国《金融时报》写消费者服务,这是我见过的最糟糕的例子。
TGA showed that the temperature of maximum speed on loss in weight of PS in composites is80'C higher than that of pure PS. 热重分析表明复合材料中PS最大失重速度时的温度较纯PS升高了约80℃。
Ps.; I did like you asked me. 顺便说一下,我很高兴你问我了。
The results show coefficient of permeability increases more or less under different saturated conditions after reinforcement by PS, particularly evident in sample reinforced by7% PS. 结果显示,PS加固以后,在各个含水条件下的渗透性都有一定程度的提高,7%PS加固样表现非常明显。
Check to see if the client is running with top or ps. 如果客户端程序显示在桌面上,您可以发现它时刻不停的在运行。
PS. Simultaneous interpretation service is provided during the conference. Please bring valid ID ( incluing ID, Passport, driving licence) for earphone renting. 备注:大会配有同声传译,请参会者凭借有效证件(身份证、护照、驾照)租借耳机。
She; s better now, despte the extra dose of seepng PS. 她现在好多了,不管多剂量的安眠药。
PS. please support your beloved music and the legal records. ps请支持你爱的音乐和正版唱片。
To be fair to all my friends who contact me I send the same reply to everyone and where possible I will add a short ps. 为了公平对待所有的朋友谁与我联系我发送相同的答复,并在可能情况下我都将增加一个简短的私人秘书。
PS. We'll go ice-skating for Fun Day this week, please prepare a thin jacket for your child, thank you! 这星期我们将去小巨蛋溜冰,请记得帮您的孩子准备一件薄夹克喔!
Available color: black, white, gold PS.: Phenolic ring for E14 lampholder. 备注:配E14灯头的电木外环颜色:黑色,白色,金色。
Initially, you may simply notice that a thought seems negative; as you pay more attention, you will begin to see how you use the three Ps. 你也许只会注意到一个想法似乎是消极的,随着你关注地越多,你会发现自己在是如何使用3个P。
The mode locked pulse duration was measured to be 10 ps. 得到了10PS左右脉宽的锁模脉冲;
The experiments indicate that the time of electron-phonon energy exchange is less than 10 ps. 实验表明电子和声子的能量交换时间小于10ps。
Conclusion PS has both preventive and therapeutic effect on pre-mature infants with BPD. The pulmonary function can be improved by PS. 结论PS可以改善肺的顺应性及氧和功能,对BPD的预防和治疗具有积极的意义。
Results: adrenaline evoked an outward K+ current with a conductance of 160 pS. 结果:肾上腺素或苯肾上腺素可引发一电导为160pS的外向K+电流。
A model-based generic technology of parametric Particle System ( PS) is presented through studying the model of PS. 在总结国内外学者所建立的粒子模型的基础上,提出了一种新的基于泛型技术的参数化粒子系统模型。
A rather simple processing of devices is adopted. The rise time of photoconductive switch is 100 ps. 在实验中采用较为简单的工艺,获得光电导开关的上升时间为100ps。
The larger population size, the higher the relative efficiency of MS to PS. 群体越大,则MS比PS的相对效率越高。
The conductance in ATP and pH and control group were 200 or so PS. 低浓度ATP及pH降低诱发的多通道电导与对照组一致,均为200pS左右;
Kinds of organic solvents were adopted in the studies on 13 kinds of food containers made of PS. 使用3种溶剂对常用的13种PS食品容器进行了研究。
Phycocyanin content in M1-3 was 20.2% higher than those of PS. M1-3的藻蓝蛋白含量高于出发藻株202%;
Due to the special chemical structure of PP, it has more excellent degradability than other polyolefin and PS. PP自身的化学结构特点使其具有比其它聚烯烃和PS更优异的降解性能。