Evaluation of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activity of Different Plant belonging to Pteridophyta Extracts 不同蕨类植物提取物乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制活性的评价
Analyses of the Floristic Features on the Families, Genera of Pteridophyta from the Big Bend Region at Yalu Tsangpo ( River), Xizang ( Tibet), China 雅鲁藏布江大拐弯地区蕨类植物科属区系特征分析
This paper first report the 30 species and 3 variety medicinal pteridophyta in Shandong province. of which belong to 17 families 23 genera. 报道了山东省药用蕨类植物30种和3变种、隶属于17科23属。
The Pteridophyta Flora in Shanxi Province 山西省蕨类植物
New Distribution of Pteridophyta in Henan Province 河南蕨类植物新分布
Pteridophyta, with specific physiological enginery, is quite difficult to control. 蕨类是一种具有特殊生理机能的植物,作为杂草很难治理。
Study on the origin of some Pteridophyta and Pteridospermae plants of the Late Palaeozoic Era 某些晚古生代蕨类和种子蕨植物起源问题的研究
The Development and Utilization of Pteridophyta in Sichuan Province 四川蕨类植物资源的开发与利用
Through the investigation, this paper found that there were 32 families 80 genera 131 species of pteridophyta on Mount Fengyang. 浙江凤阳山自然保护区自然生态系统保存良好,地质、土壤、气候等很适合藓类植物的生长和分布,通过调查发现,凤阳山有藓类植物32科80属131种。
Among them, 1 family, 1 genus, 3 species belong to Pteridophyta; 其中蕨类植物1科,1属,3种;
Medicinal Pteridophyta resources in Shandong Province 山东省药用蕨类植物
The results show that there is a strong positive correlation between pteridophyta spore/ gymnosperm pollen and some major/ trace elements in coal. 结果表明,成煤的蕨类植物孢子和裸子植物花粉与某些常量元素和微量元素有着很高的相关性;
New Records and Clarification of Some Names of Pteridophyta in Hong Kong(ⅱ) 香港蕨类植物分布新记录和名称修订(二)