R-wave Detection of ECG Signal Based on Wavelet Transform and Nonlinear Energy Operator 基于非线性能量算子的心电信号R波检测方法
The effective range of P-wave, S-wave, R-wave could be analyzed from the contours of dynamic stress. 从动应力等值线图上也可分析出强夯作用时压缩波、剪切波、瑞利波的作用范围。
For beam specimens, there is no obvious relation between P-wave or R-wave speed to the compressive strength. 在梁试体方面P波及R波波速与强度间也无明显关系。
By deducing the wavelet transform, it is found that by fast convolution, the phase information can be obtained, by which the R-wave apex can be confirmed accurately. 文章通过对小波处理过程的研究,发现采用快速卷积的小波变换,通过判断小波相位符号的变化,可以准确地定位R波;
Detection of R-Wave Based on Wavelet Transform 小波变换用于检测R波
An algorithm known as differential threshold leap furthur improves the detection speed of R-wave. 作者提出的差分阈值跳跃算法使R波检测速度成倍提高;
The Electrocardiosignal Collection and R-wave Synchronized Detection 心电信号的采集及R波同步检测
The ground vibration by demolishing building mostly spreads with S-wave, P-wave, R-wave. 爆破拆除塌落触地产生触地震动,主要以S波、P波和R波三种地震波的形式向外传播。
Detection Method for R-Wave of ECG Signal With Wavelet Transform 心电信号中R波的小波探测法
Based on location of wave crest, a real-time R-Wave precise detection algorithm is used to detect QRS wave. QRS波的识别采用了改进的基于波峰定位的实时、准确的R波检测算法。
A portable wireless real time kinematic heart rate measurement system was developed, which realized real-time kinematic heart rate measurement by the continuous extraction of time span of two sequential R-wave of ECG. 研制了一种便携式运动心率实时无线检测系统,通过不断提取心脏跳动时两个相邻心电R波的时间间期来实现高强度运动训练中运动员心率的瞬时无线检测。
Further studies show that the horizontal vibration signal at the ground surface could also be used to get the R-wave dispersion curve. 本文研究结果还表明,地面水平振动信号也可以用来分析R波的弥散曲线和地基波速检测。
Then taking advantage of the multi-resolution property of wavelet transform, we bring forward a new R-wave detection method based on fuzzy measure of the mergence information on multi-scales wavelet transform of ECG signals. 而后借助小波变换多分辨率分析的优势,提出了融合多尺度心电子带信号的模糊测度R波定位方法。
The purpose of this experiment is to observe offects of exercise on blood supply of heart muscle and its recovery through measuring changes of T-wave, R-wave and S-T Segment in ECG during loading and recovery in the aged. 本实验通过测定老年人在功率自行车上运动时与恢复期间心电图T波、S-T段及R波变化,发现老年人运动时R波无显著改变;
The analysis of artifact in EECG and R-wave detecting circuit 运动心电图干扰的分析及R波检出电路
The collected data of in situ testing, combined with R-wave velocity parameter, was used to develop the way to estimate the bearing capacity by multi-parameter and neural network. 收集了原位测试数据,并结合瑞雷面波波速参数,开展多参数拟合和神经网络预测地基承载力的研究。
A new method for calculating R-wave velocity is proposed based on peaks of the received wave signal. 提出了一种取不同测距的接收波波峰相关散点、回归计算表面波的新方案;
The depression of R-wave in lead V 6 indicated simple infarct in posterior wall. 4V6导联的R波逐渐减低,提示单纯后壁梗死。
In the QRS detecting design, a digital filter is used to stand out R-wave character by processing the post processed signal and to increase the accuracy of the detecting results. 在设计QRS波检测时,将预处理后的心电信号,通过数字带通滤波,突出了R波的特征,提高了检测结果的准确性;
The reproducible test of R-wave amplitude changes during exercise 运动心电图R波振幅改变的重复性试验
This research is mainly composed of two parts: one is the electrocardiosignal collection system composed of hardware circuit while the other is the R-wave synchronized detection. 本研究主要包括应用硬件电路构成的心电信号的采集系统和R波同步检测。
The quantitative expression of a partical displacement in the Rayleigh wave field excited by a stable and a transient point source has been got through solving wave equation, it is obvious that the at-tenuation of R-wave for a stable and a transient point source is different. 作者通过解波动方程得到了瞬态和稳态点震源激发的瑞利波场中质点位移的解析表达式,明确了在不同震源条件下瑞利波随深度衰减的具体规律明显不同。
Especially, it introduces cardiac R-wave pick-up arithmetic which is one of innovative point in this thesis. 另外,还介绍了适用于γ相机心电门控采集模式的心电R波提取算法,这也是本论文的一个创新点。
Diagnostic Value of R-wave Amplitude Change for Coronary Heart Disease with Electrocardiogram Exercise-stress Test 心电图运动试验R波对诊断冠心病价值的探讨
The frequency range of R-wave has been determined by use of frequency analysis. 并且根据频谱分析的方法确定了瑞利波的频率分布范围。
Detection of ECG ′ s R-wave based on High Order Statistics 应用高阶统计方法实现R波的检测
R-wave detection was achieved by the frequency characteristics of ECG signal combined with the difference of the amplitude-frequency characteristics. The algorithm was simple and practical, and tested with MIT-BIH database files with the correct rate of up to 99.27%. 4. R波检测是利用心电信号的频率特性结合差分方法的幅频特性来实现,该算法简单实用,利用MIT-BIH数据库文件对该算法进行测试,正确率高达99.27%。
The R-wave detection method based on dual-channel proposed in this thesis provides a novel detection mean for the automatic analysis of electrocardiosignal. 本文提出的基于双通道的心电R波检测方法,为心电信号的自动分析提供了一种新的检测手段。
Detection means data analysis and extracting parameters, which include instantaneous heart rate, average heart rate, R-wave location, R-wave amplitude, RR intervals and QRS width. 检测是指对读到的数据进行分析,提取出相关的参数,包括瞬时心率、平均心率、R波位置、R波峰值、RR间期、QRS宽度等,供用户和医生参考。
In my dissertation, the research of reinforcement action of R-wave for foundation is be made in DC., where the transmitting characteristics, the influenced depth, the law of the deformation and volume variation of R-wave are discussed by means of the vibration characteristics of soil. 文中重点研究了R波在强夯加固地基中的作用,并结合强夯时土体的振动特性,对R波的传播特点、影响深度、引起的变形和体积变化规律进行了讨论。