This is how PIM differs from RMS while both are responsible for storing persistent data on the device. 以下是PIM和RMS的区别,尽管二者都负责在设备上存储持久数据。
The J2ME record management system ( RMS) provides a mechanism through which MIDlets can persistently store data and retrieve it later. J2ME记录管理系统(RMS)提供了一种机制,通过这种机制,MIDlet能够持久存储数据,并在以后检索数据。
In this demonstration, the RMS implemented server-side components to insert the new records using standard JDBC calls. 在这个演示中,RMS实现使用标准的JDBC调用插入新的记录的服务器端组件。
The interpretation of data in PIM is more flexible compared to RMS. 与RMS相比,PIM中的数据解释更加灵活。
It also draws a comparison with RMS, another functionality that deals with device data. 本文还比较了PIM和RMS,后者是处理设备数据的另一个功能。
RMS, on the other hand, stores data to and retrieves data from a general database. 而另一方面,RMS向(从)一个常规数据库存储(和检索)数据。
In this section, we'll demonstrate the functioning of J2ME RMS by building a phone appointment diary. 在这部分,我们将通过构建一个电话约会簿来说明J2MERMS的功能。
In a record-oriented approach, J2ME RMS comprises multiple record stores. 在面向记录的方法中,J2MERMS由多个记录存储构成。
Transactional RMs achieve durability with acceptable performance by summarizing the results of multiple transactions in a single transaction log. 事务RM通过在一个事务日志中记录多个事务的结果,获得持久性以及可接受的性能。
RMS only accesses data to and from local device. RMS只能访问本地设备中的数据。
As the application accesses various RMs, they are enlisted in the transaction. 由于应用程序访问各种各样的RM,因此,在事务中对它们进行征用。
No key container was found by using the specified RMS service account and cryptographic service provider. 使用指定的rms服务帐户和加密服务提供程序未找到任何密钥容器。
A New Method of Measuring the True RMS of Nonsinusoidal Periodic Signals 高精度测量非正弦周期信号真有效值的一种新方法
Use this page to configure and manage RMS extensions. 使用此页配置并管理rms扩展。
The out-of-plane tilting speckle interferogram is computer-simulated and the RMS phase error is calculated to verify reliability. 通过对计算机模拟漫射体产生离面倾斜的时变散斑图,计算其均方根误差值,进行了验证。
The influence of the shadowing effect for different RMS slope of the surface is investigated. 研究了海面不同均方根斜率对遮蔽效应的影响。
A Practical Digital RMS Measurement System 一种实用数字式工频有效值测量系统设计
When you derive the ideal SNR formula, you first define the rms signal. 推导出理想的信噪比公式时,首先定义信号的均方根。
A site with the name "rms administration site" already exists. 名为“rms管理站点”的站点已存在。
Back up the system state of the server where you plan to install RMS. 备份系统状态的服务器,您计划安装的RMS。
The RMS slope is obtained from the angular width of the DALLAS light-scattering pattern. 均方根斜率是从DALLAS光散射图象的角宽得到的。
The software will display the SNR, FWHM and RMS values found. 软件将显示它们的信噪比,点扩展函数和均方差值。
Digital RMS detectors principle and character are introduced in this paper, and compare with analogue RMS detector. 介绍了数字真有效值检波器的原理和性能并与其它真有效值检波器做了对比。
The inprocess diagnose technique ensured reconfigurable manufacturing system ( RMS) had the ability of detecting its limitation and fault. 过程诊断技术保证了可重构制造系统在运行过程中具有良好的缺陷和故障诊断能力。
To set up RMS on a web site, click the appropriate link. 若要在网站上设置rms,请单击相应的链接。
Use this page to manage RMS logging for this cluster. 使用此页管理该群集的rms日志记录。
The RMS pulse width should be used when the subcyle hyperbolic secant pulses is described. 所以描述亚周期双曲正割脉冲时应该使用更加严格的均方根脉冲宽度。
Based on the above results, a fault monitoring method was proposed with supervising the change of RMS. 由此提出了用均方根值的变化进行旋流器卡堵故障监测的方法,并分析了造成这一能量变化的原因。
A sequence can be thought of as the "reliability contract" under which the RMS and RMD agree to reliably transfer messages from the sender to the receiver. 我们可将序列看作一个契约,在此基础上,RMS和RMD才能在发送者和接收者间实现可靠的消息传输。
Can measure the input signal frequency, amplitude, peak to peak, and RMS. 可以测量输入信号的频率、幅度、峰峰值、和有效值。