Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents 'marriage broke up 父母婚姻的破裂使得罗茜田园诗般美好的世界陡然画上了句号。
'Nothing,' Rosie said in an absent way. “没什么,”罗茜心不在焉地说。
How's Rosie? 罗茜近来怎么样?
Rosie had a look of incomprehension on her face. 罗茜一脸茫然。
Rosie's husband was now out East. 罗茜的丈夫现在远在东部。
He kept encouraging Rosie to find a place of her own. 他不断鼓励罗茜为自己找个住处。
I would rather be with you, Rosie. 我宁愿跟你在一起,罗茜。
The 9-year-old Jack Russell terrier named Rosie was wearing a tailored life jacket equipped with a strobe light beacon. 他们家的宠物狗名叫罗西,是一只9岁的杰克罗素梗犬。罗西当时身上穿着特别定制的救生衣,配有闪光灯信号。
Instead of freeing his wife and getting her to shore, Graham grabbed Rosie, their Jack Russell terrier. 格雷厄姆没有去解开安全索把妻子送上岸,而是抓住了他们的杰克罗素小猎犬罗西(Rosie)。
Rosie gave her an affectionate kiss on each cheek. 罗西在她的脸蛋上每边亲昵地吻了一下。
Thanks, Jibo, the woman responds, not unlike Jane Jetson talking to Rosie. 那个女人回答道:谢谢你,Jibo。和《摩登家庭》里简o杰特森对Rosie所说的话没什么区别。
I was going to stay in, but Rosie wheedled me into taking her to the cinema. 我本打算待在家里,但罗琦死乞白赖地说服了我带她去看电影。
I only knew him as "rosie." 我只知道他叫“罗西”
I spent ages trying to untangle the knots in rosie's hair. 我花了很长时间试图解开罗绮头发上的发结。
She never asked my name but invited me to call her rosie. 她从来没有问过我姓甚名谁,但却让我叫她罗西。
Rosie is off to a disco at the local youth club tonight. 今晚罗琦去当地青年俱乐部举办的一个迪斯科舞会了。
Rosie travels everywhere with me. 罗西和我一起到处旅行。
Both Rosie and Christie cheered because Grandma always has the best mashed potatoes and gravy. 萝丝和克莉丝缇两人都欢欣鼓舞,因为奶奶总是会做最好的马铃薯泥和最美味的肉汁。
Rosie's mother, father, and younger sister all came to the table and sat down for dinner. 萝丝的母亲、父亲和妹妹一起坐下来享用晚餐。
She's claiming that Rosie and the boys are my kids. 她坚持说罗丝和那些男孩都是我的孩子。
Rosie's teacher was impressed by the extent of her knowledge. 罗丝的老师对她广博的知识面印象很深。
Rosie: Yeah, I'll have a bucket. 罗茜:是的,我会喝一桶。
Rosie: Not with all that plastic surgery. 罗茜:因为所有的整形手术。
I wouldn't get too close to that dog if I were you, rosie. 如果我是你的话,罗齐,我就不会靠那条狗太近。
Rosie, our new friend thinks I'm gonna blow up the city. 罗丝,我们的新朋友觉得我会把整个城市炸掉。
Rosie: Oh, you just did. 罗茜:哦,你刚做了。
I wanted to tell Rosie that I had delivered her flowers. 我要告诉罗西,我已经将她的花放在了我儿子的墓地上。
When I turned, Rosie was standing beside me. 当我转过身的时候,发现罗西正站在我的身边。
Please say Hello for me when you see Rosie today. 你今天看到Rosie的时候,请顺便帮我跟她问好。
I wrote on the back of it: "Thank you, Rosie." 我在照片的背面写道:谢谢你,罗西