The status codes are defined in the ILE RPG Reference Manual. ILERPG参考手册定义了这些状态码。
A new keyword ( HANDLER) can now be added to an existing RPG file specification. 现在可以将一个新关键字(HANDLER)添加到现有PRG文件规范中。
Map C structures to RPG structures. 将C结构映射到RPG结构。
The RPG HANDLE_UPDATE sub-procedure is format specific and must be customized for each file. RPGHANDLEUPDATE子过程是特定于格式的,必须针对每个文件进行定制。
The handler uses ILE to provide a prototyped interface to the RPG program. Handler使用ILE向RPG程序提供一个原型化接口。
This behavior will occur regardless of whether or not the RPG program is using the LR indicator. 无论RPG程序是否正在使用LR指示符,这种行为都会发生。
This method can quickly expose core RPG transactions as services and allow development of new ad hoc services. 此方法可以快速将核心RPG交易作为服务进行公开,允许开发新的临时服务。
This causes an exception to occur in the RPG program being handled. 这将导致正被处理的RPG程序内部出现一个异常。
The actual value will be provided on the first RPG keyed IO operation. 实际值将在第一个RPG键IO操作发生时提供。
The use of the explicit OPEN operation provides more interaction between the RPG program and the handler. 显式OPEN操作的使用在RPG程序和Handlder程序之间提供更多交互。
Add RPG prototypes for service interface functions and operations. 添加服务接口功能和操作的RPG原型。
A call is issued to the RPG CLOSE_SQL_CURSOR sub-procedure which contains the embedded SQL CLOSE statement. 一个调用被发送到RPGCLOSESQLCURSOR子过程,该子过程包含嵌入的SQLCLOSE语句。
Build a format-based handler program that intercepts RPG traditional record at a time database IO operations. 构建一个基于格式的Handler程序来拦截传统的“一次一条记录”数据库IO操作。
The inputBuffer pointer will be set to nulls by RPG once the data is received by the RPG program. 一旦RPG程序接收到数据,inputBuffer指针将被RPG设置为空。
The first is using IBM I program and service program objects that are created using languages like C and RPG. 第一种方式是使用通过C和RPG等语言创建的IBMi程序和服务程序对象。
This includes updating the file or record format using data structures or the RPG built-in function% FIELDS. 这包括使用数据结构或RPG内置函数%FIELDS更新文件或记录格式。
The format-based handler exploits the new template capability of RPG IV. 基于格式的Handlder程序利用RPGIV的新模板功能。
My handler program consists of a main module which directs the RPG operation to a corresponding handler module. 我们的Handlder程序包含一个主模块,它将RPG操作导向一个对应的Handlder程序模块。
The most common RPG method for performing a random read using a key is the CHAIN operation. 使用键执行随机读操作的最常见RPG方法是CHAIN操作。
The RPG Select statement controls which sub-procedure will be executed based on the RPG operation. RPGSelect语句控制基于RPG操作将执行哪些子过程。
I have chosen RPG IV free format style as my host based programming language. 我选择了RPGIV自由格式样式作为我的基于主机的编程语言。
This is an RPG game featuring a complex storyline that will make you heavily involved with the characters. 这是一场以一个将会很重地制造你和个性牵涉的复杂剧情为特色的RPG游戏。
Today has been being do RPG map, also not is hard to do. 今天就一直在做RPG地图,也不是很难做。
Fantasy movement RPG, come to fight shoulder to shoulder with what you adored swordsman and chivalrous woman quickly. 梦幻般的动作RPG,快来和你倾慕的大侠和侠女一起并肩作战吧。
Looks like it was an rpg. 看起来像是中了颗榴弹炮。
It's a self-contained RPG game whose parts all fit inside the tin. 这是一个独立的RPG游戏,其所有部件装进锡。