Using RPT to record scripts, upload scripts to AMC 使用RPT记录脚本,将脚本上传到AMC
Click Finish to let RPT copy this project into your workspace. 单击Finish,让RPT将此项目复制到工作区中。
After MTK has converted the Oracle file, an IDS (. ids) file and a report (. rpt) file are generated. MTK转换完Oracle文件后,会生成一个IDS(.ids)文件和一个报告(.rpt)文件。
RPT offers a large variety of tools that assist users in carrying out performance tests, from built-in support for monitoring utilities to the ability for users to write and execute their own workload driver scripts. RPT提供了帮助用户执行性能测试的多种工具,从对监控工具的内置支持,到允许用户编写和执行他们自己的工作负载驱动程序脚本。
By default, RPT creates all its assets under the project root. 默认情况下,RPT在项目根目录下创建所有资产。
The modification is done by just editing the request headers of the generated RPT script. 只需编辑这个产生RPT脚本请求的标题就可以进行修改。
This paper presents a simple approach, which involves creating an RPT project in a ClearCase view. 本文仅仅展示了一种简易的方法,包括在ClearCase视图中创建一个RPT项目。
This article includes a ZIP ( rpt_ext. zip) file that contains code, templates, and the example directory structure. 本文中含有一个包含代码、模板以及范例目录结构的ZIP(文件,以及范例的目录结构。
You need to obtain license keys for RPT if you want to run tests with a large number of users. 如果想和许多用户一起运行测试,那么必须获得RPT的许可密钥。
RPT creates numerous files during the course of recording a test, creating a schedule, and executing a test or a schedule. 在记录测试、创建调度、执行测试或调度的过程中RPT新建了大量文件。
After you install RPT, you can begin to record the transactions, and upload the scripts to AMC. 在安装RPT后,您就可以开始记录事务并将脚本上传到AMC了。
To stop the service, right-click IBM RPT adapter for RQM, and click Stop. 为了关闭服务,右击IBMRPTadapterforRQM,并点击Stop。
Best practice: Separate the RPT workbench from the driver machines 最佳实践:分隔RPT工作台和驱动程序机器
The focus of this article is the RPT agents that generated the simulated load. 本文主要关注生成模拟负载的RPT代理。
This allows the RPT workbench to deploy code onto them as well as to execute performance tests. 这允许RPT工作台在这些机器上部署代码并执行性能测试。
After recording RPT scripts, you can upload them to AMC and define a profile to playback them. 在记录好RPT脚本后,您可以将它们上传到AMC并定义一个profile来回放它们。
To deploy these scripts, open RPT and choose to import an existing project into the workspace. 要部署这些脚本,请打开RPT并选择将现有项目导入工作区。
What changes would you make to RPT's interfaces, usability, reporting, etc.? 您会对RPT的界面、可用性,报告,等做什么变更?
This article introduces methods to achieve this objective by using existing RPT features in an innovative manner. 这篇文章通过以创新的方式使用现有的RPT特性的方法来介绍达到这个目的的方法。
A RPT agent controller must be installed on each driver machine to provide a method for the workbench to control them. RPT代理控制器必须安装在每台驱动程序机器上,以便为工作台提供控制它们的方法。
For example, the HTTP protocol in RPT allows users to record, edit, and execute HTTP performance tests that measure metrics such as the page hit, page throughput, and page response times. 例如,RPT中的HTTP协议允许用户记录、编辑和执行测量度量的HTTP性能测试,这些度量指标包括页面命中(pagehit)、页面吞吐量和页面响应时间。
Create a new RPT project and place it in a ClearCase view. 创建一个新的RPT项目并将其放入ClearCase视图中。
The workbench then deploys the performance test and required RPT libraries to each of the driver machines and executes them. 然后工作台会将性能测试以及所需的RPT库部署到每台驱动程序机器并执行它们。
RPT provides the framework for users to create and run different types of performance tests and provides built-in utilities to simplify the process of collecting and analyzing performance metrics. RPT为用户提供了用来创建并运行不同类型的性能测试的框架,并提供了简化收集过程和分析性能度量过程的内置工具。
A sample RPT performance test project is provided ( see Downloads). 这里提供了一个示例RPT性能测试项目(请参阅下载)。
The same performance test was run a number of times using real RPT agents and virtualized RPT agents. 使用真实的RPT代理和虚拟RPT代理多次运行相同的性能测试。
Specifically, if we implemented any of the following use cases, would you switch more quickly to RPT? 特别的,如果我们实现了以下所有用例,您会不会更快地转用RPT?
After you playback the RPT script on RRT agents, you can view the transaction response time data from the AMC agent workspace. 当您在RRT代理上回滚了RPT脚本后,就可以从AMC代理工作空间中查看事务响应时间数据。
The part error with RPT is classified as dimension error, shaped error and roughness of surface. 快速成型制件的的误差分为尺寸误差、形状误差和表面粗糙度。