Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, said Mr Mo offered an "inside" view of Chinese society and described him as "a mixture between Faulkner, Rabelais and Dickens". 瑞典皇家科学院常任秘书彼得英格伦(peterenglund)称莫言从“内部”审视了中国社会,并将他描述为“福克纳、拉伯雷与狄更斯的混合体”。
All the advantage isn't in running fast, but rather in getting an early start. ( Rabelais) 优势不在于跑得快,而在于起身早。(拉伯雷)
Rabelais, like a torrent of burning, shouting, laughing lava, burst through all the dignities and decencies of the pedants. 拉伯雷象一股熔岩的洪流,燃烧着,狂喊着,大笑着,冲开了腐儒们的一切高贵气派和繁文缛节。
Rabelais also praised the power and intellect of people and call on us to respect life, through which humanism is emphasized. 借助对战争的描写,拉伯雷表达了赞美人的力量、发挥人的智慧、尊重人的生命、强调人的品德的人文主义战争思想。
Writers like Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio in italy, Franois Rabelais in france, and William Shakespeare in England produced works that emphasized the intricacies of human character. 意大利的佩脱拉克和薄伽丘,法国的拉伯雷以及英国的莎士比亚等一批作家写出的作品强调人性的复杂性。
Some of France's greatest luminaries, including Rabelais and Robespierre, are believed to lie somewhere in the massive ossuary. 有人认为一部分法国伟人,包括拉伯雷、罗伯斯庇尔等的遗骸就在此墓穴的某处。
He that has patience may compass anything.& Rabelais 有耐心的人事事做得到。&拉伯雷
In the process of unscrambling Rabelais in his unique perspective of folk jocular culture, Bakhtin puts forward a surviving mode which contains frenzied particularities. 巴赫金在以独特的民间诙谐文化视角解读拉伯雷的过程中,提出了一种具有狂欢化特质的生存模式。
There is much thought on comic aesthetics in Bakhtin's theory of carnivalesque and his study of Rabelais. 巴赫金的狂欢化理论及对拉伯雷的研究,蕴含了丰富的喜剧美学思想。
As a representative figure during French Renaissance, Rabelais is not only a famous writer, but a renowned educationist. 法国文艺复兴时期代表人物拉伯雷不仅是一位著名的作家,还是著名的教育家。
Part Three: according to the opinions that Bakhtin's dissertation of carnival theory, Rabelais and His World, in the system of four-dimension spatial-temporal coordinate, it analyses five stages one by one in carnival process: carnival world claiming a legitimate position; 第三部分:尽量遵循巴赫金在他的狂欢理论专著《弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷的创作与中世纪和文艺复兴时期的民间文化》中表现出来的思想,对狂欢过程中的五个阶段&狂欢世界争取合法出场权;
Bakhtin makes perfect interpretation of Rabelais's "Gargantua et Pantagruel" by applying grotesque realism theory, which stems from piazza carnival culture. 巴赫金以狂欢节民间广场诙谐文化的怪诞现实主义理论对拉伯雷《巨人传》的完满解读,证明世界上客观存在着正常态和反常态两类艺术,它们的评价标准是不能混用的。
Through his researches on the image system figured by Rabelais, Bakhtin has blazoned forth a concept of macro-death with dualism and jocosity. 巴赫金通过对拉伯雷塑造的形象体系的研究向我们宣扬了一种带有全民性、双重性、诙谐性的大死亡观念。
Rabelais 'Grotesque Realist Fictions and Culture of Folk Humor 拉伯雷的怪诞现实主义小说和民间诙谐文化
Russian famous literary critic and thinker Mikhail Bakhtin illustrated his theory of folk humour culture in Dostoevsky's Poetic Problems and Rabelais 'Creation and Folk Culture of Middle Ages and Renaissance respectively. 俄罗斯著名的文论家、思想家巴赫金在《陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》和《弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷的创作和中世纪与文艺复兴时期的民间文化》中分别阐述了他的民间诙谐文化理论。
Rabelais was one of the key representatives in French Renaissance and a famous humanistic writer. 拉伯雷是法国文艺复兴时期重要代表人物之一,著名人文主义作家。
However, because of his unique language and other reasons, Rabelais was considered to be one of the puzzlers among the writers who have been studied. The humanistic thought in GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL needs also to be studied further. 然而由于作品独特的语言等多方面原因,拉伯雷被认为是最难研究的作家之一,《巨人传》中的人文主义思想也仍然需要进一步的研究。
Rabelais lived in the Renaissance, which was an important transitional period of Europe from the Middle Ages to the modern times. 拉伯雷生活在文艺复兴时代,这是欧洲从中世纪向近代社会过渡的重要时期。
But Rabelais 'humanistic thought also had some limits. 当然,拉伯雷的人文主义思想存在局限性。
The limits of Rabelais 'religious thought exerted certain influence on his educational and martial thought. 拉伯雷宗教思想的局限性对其在教育、战争等方面的思想具有一定的影响。
Sufficiently criticizing the cancer of the system, asceticism and obscurantism of the Catholic Church, Rabelais advocated also individual liberation and liberty in his work. Meanwhile he created ideal monk and abbey, hoping to purify Catholic Church. 拉伯雷在作品中充分批判了天主教会制度的弊端,反对教会的禁欲主义和蒙昧主义,提倡个性解放、自由,同时塑造了理想修士和修道院的形象,希望纯洁天主教会。