Radford sometimes allows his enthusiasm to run away with him. 雷德福有时会任由自己热情澎湃。
Baby bumps are nothing new in the Radford household. 对雷德福一家来说,新生婴儿降临早已不是什么新鲜事了。
Just a month later, the excitement was doubled when Mrs Radford discovered she was expecting her 17th baby so now mother and daughter are sharing the pregnancy process. 就在几个月后,这个家庭迎来喜上加喜:因为雷德福夫人发现自己怀上了第17个孩子!所以现在,妈妈和女儿可以共享怀孕的喜悦了!
Mrs Radford, who has nine sons and seven daughters, said she was ecstatic to find out she was pregnant. 雷德福夫人已经有9个儿子和7个女儿,她说自己发现再次怀孕后欣喜若狂。
Mrs Radford first fell pregnant when she was 14 and she and her then boyfriend decided to keep the child as they had both been given up for adoption. 拉德福夫人第一次怀孕时仅仅14岁,但她和那时的男友决定留下这个孩子,因为他们两人就是被遗弃后由他人领养长大的。
Mrs Radford wrote on Facebook after her 12-week scan: We are so excited to announce Radford baby 17 will be joining this family in April. 肚子里的宝宝现在已经有12周大了,拉德福夫人做过扫描后在脸书上写道:我们很兴奋地向大家宣布,第17位宝宝将于四月加入这个大家庭。
Not long after his birth, Mrs Radford-who has on average had a baby every 17 months over the past 23 years said that she wanted more children. 在过去的23年里,拉德福夫人平均17个月就生一个孩子。此后不久,她还说希望能有更多孩子。
When Sue Radford, 39, heard her eldest daughter Sophie, 20, was giving her a second grandchild she was thrilled. 女主人苏雷德福今年39岁,听说自己的20岁的大女儿将给她带来第二个孙儿的消息,她非常激动。
Mrs Radford said: I always say never say never but maybe this time it is the last. ' 雷德福夫人说:我之前一直说的都是永不说不,但这次也许是最后一个了。
The opportunity to test on the robot in orbit has Radford, Wilson and Hoffman excited. 这个在轨道上测试这款机器人的机会令拉德弗德、威尔逊和霍夫曼兴奋不已。
Our original plans after Radford Mill were to rent a car and drive to our next stint as WWOOF volunteers. 我们原计划在瑞德福·米尔农场之行结束后租一辆车开到我们作为“全球有机农场体验”活动志愿者的下一站。
It first introduces the research achievement of former scholars such as Jespersen, Quirk, Radford, etc. and then expounds on some relevant theories, including X-bar theory, checking theory, movement theory, speech act theory and pragmatic presupposition. 文章首先介绍了前人的研究成果,如Jespersen,Quirk,Radford等对疑问性if/whether-分句差异的研究,然后阐述相关的理论,包括X-bar理论、核查理论、移动理论、言语行为理论和语用预设理论。