Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys 斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。
Richard Reilly was education secretary to President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. RichardReilly是民主党人,他是比尔•克林顿时期的教育部长。
GM Asia Pacific President Nick Reilly in an interview Saturday said Wuling's plan to build passenger cars, which hasn't been announced officially, could be the key to making this happen. 通用汽车亚太区总裁雷利(NickReilly)上周六接受采访时说,五菱的轿车生产计划有可能是实现这个目标的关键。这一计划尚未正式公布。
Bill Reilly is chairman emeritus of the board of the World Wildlife Fund, and he is also deeply knowledgeable about the oil and gas industry. 比尔瑞利是世界野生物基金会的退休荣誉主席,在油气工业方面有很深的造诣。
Under Reilly, revenue in China rose from 3.9 billion yuan in 2009 to 6.9 billion in 2012, according to the news agency Xinhua. 新华社称,在马克锐的经营下,这家公司中国区的营业额从2009年的39亿元上升到了2012年的69亿元。
Before receiving the email containing the video of Mr. Reilly, Glaxo was investigating alleged corruption at its China division. 在收到包含马克锐上述录像文件的电子邮件之前,葛兰素史克正在其中国部门调查腐败指控。
It may be an old notion that women are the ones who get attached in a relationship, Reilly says. 一个古老的观点认为在一段关系中,女人通常是容易被套牢的一方,蕾利说。
The executive in the video, Mark Reilly, directed the company to hire a Shanghai-based private investigation firm run by a British national and his Chinese-born wife to investigate the breach, the person said. 该知情人士还称,马克锐要求公司雇佣上海一家私人调查公司来调查此事。这家公司由一位英国人及其华裔妻子运营。
Authorities alleged that Mr. Reilly, a Briton, ordered his sales team and other employees to bribe hospital doctors, health-care organizations and other parties on 'a large scale' to boost drug sales in China. 中国有关部门声称,为了提高在中国的药物销售额,英国籍人士马克锐指示其销售团队及其他雇员对医院医生、医疗保健组织以及其他人员大规模行贿。
When it comes to affairs society tends to more harshly judge women than men Reilly says. 她还说:关于外遇,社会上对女人的评判要比对男人更加苛刻。
Glaxo has said that some of its employees may have broken Chinese laws and that the company, including Mr. Reilly, were assisting the investigation. 葛兰素史克曾表示,其部分雇员违反了中国的法律,该公司包括马克锐在内正在协助相关调查。
At the time the video was shot, Mr. Reilly was separated from his wife, the person familiar with the video's contents said. 据知情人士称,拍摄这段视频的时候,马克锐与其妻分居。
At that time, Chinese authorities said GlaxoSmithKline's former China chief Mark Reilly was responsible for starting a massive bribery network in the country. 当时,中国官方指控葛兰素史克前中国区负责人马克锐在中国建立了庞大的贿赂网络。
"We will continue to invest in new products for China, in new facilities and the latest in technology," said Nick Reilly, president of GM's Asia-Pacific division. 通用亚洲区主席尼克.R说,我们将继续在中国出新车,投入新设备与应用最新生产技术。
All the examples can be downloaded from O 'Reilly. 所有的范例都可以从O'Reilly站点下载。
Reilly's dead for one very simple reason. 瑞理的死有一个很简单的原因。
Tony O 'Reilly, who ran Independent News& Media until this year, used to describe the Independent newspaper as a calling card. 独立新闻传媒的掌门人&托尼奥锐利,曾形容独立新闻传媒为一个金字招牌。
I've known Chris Reilly since he was a child. 克里斯雷利还是小孩时我就认识他了。
Morris began to fear for the life of Mrs reilly. 莫里斯开始为赖利夫人的生命担忧。
Robert Reilly, co-head of flow fixed income and currencies for Asia at Soci é t é G é n é rale, calls it a high-risk assumption. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)固定收益和外汇业务亚洲区联席负责人将人民币的升值称为一种高风险假设。
Eugene Reilly, president of AMB's Americas unit, said Brazil's road system and topography present challenges. AMB地产美国总部总经理称巴西的公路系统和地志具有挑战性。
Mr Reilly told chief executives at the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting in Hanoi: A decade ago we thought we might sell 60,000 vehicles a year to government officials and state-owned enterprises. 在最近于河内举行的亚太经合组织(APEC)会议上,赖利对首席执行官们表示:10年前,我们认为也许每年可以向政府官员和国有企业售出6万辆汽车。
Months of speculation about a GM bankruptcy appeared to have had no effect on Chinese buyers: China is an enormously important market for us and it is quite profitable, said Mr Reilly. 数月来有关通用破产的猜测,似乎对中国购车者毫无影响。他表示:中国是我们的一个非常重要的市场,相当有利可图。
Mr Reilly was among dozens of GSK employees in China named as suspects. 马克锐是警方列出的数十名有犯罪嫌疑的GSK在华雇员之一。
Based on the characteristics and rules of the regions and the cities'development, this article introduces the factors of negotiability and jamming to improve the traditional Reilly's Formula. 文章从区域与城市发展的特点和规律入手,引入了通达性和人为干扰等因素作为解释变量对“雷利公式”进行了改良。
This paper deals with its simple character and shows that the generalized Bruck Reilly extension of semigroup is a sufficient condition for π inverse semigroup. 给出了半群的广义Bruck-Reilly扩张是π-逆半群的充要条件;
In this paper, the author proposed an approach to analysis facility service areas, named gravity polygon, which is based Reilly's model and Huff's model, constructed by geography spatial interaction theory. 文章以地理学区位分析理论中的空间相互作用模型为基础,提出了基于引力模型的设施服务域分析&引力多边形方法;