The man heard a tremor in Reuben's voice and could tell he was close to tears. 那人感觉到鲁本的声音在颤抖,知道他快要哭了。
These are the names of the sons of Israel ( Jacob and his descendants) who went to Egypt: Reuben the firstborn of Jacob. 来到埃及的以色列人名字记在下面。雅各和他的儿孙:雅各的长子是流便。
When they went to Gilead to Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh they said to them 他们到了基列地,见流便人,迦得人,和玛拿西半支派的人,对他们说
Willie Banks: Oh, there is no partner ''''s desk, Reuben. You''''re out. 威利·班克斯:哦!这里没有办公桌,鲁本,你出局了。
Reuben said this to rescue him from them and take him back to his father. 吕便的意思是要救他脱离他们的手,把他归还他的父亲。
Now then, your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine. 我未到埃及见你之先,你在埃及地所生的以法莲和玛拿西这两个儿子是我的,正如流便和西缅是我的一样。
Because the families of the tribe of Reuben, the tribe of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance. 因为流便支派和迦得支派按着宗族受了产业,玛拿西半个支派也受了产业。
Let Reuben live and not die, nor his men be few. 愿吕便存活不至死亡,愿他人数不至稀少。
While Israel was living in that region, Reuben went in and slept with his father's concubine Bilhah, and Israel heard of it. 以色列住在那地的时候,吕便去与他父亲的妾辟拉同寝,以色列也听见了。
Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures. 鲁本在街头徘徊,努力寻找着被他视为宝物的麻袋。
Reuben murmured a thank you and ran home. 鲁本轻轻说了声“谢谢”就往家跑。
The man turned and saw Reuben, dirty and sweat stained. 那人转过身来,看到了脏兮兮、汗涔涔的鲁本。
I reallywanna seeyou, reuben. 我真的很想见你,儒本。
I wonder what Reuben will say. 我在想鲁宾会怎么说。
Let Reuben live, and not die; and let not his men be few. 愿流便存活,不致死亡。愿他人数不致稀少。
Because I'm ready to do that with you, reuben. 因为我已经准备跟你长相厮守了,鲁宾。
Reuben was planning to return and pull Joseph out of the pit after the other brothers went away. 洛宾打算等其它兄弟走后回去救约瑟夫出来。
And Reuben spake unto his father, saying, Slay my two sons, if I bring him not to thee: deliver him into my hand, and I will bring him to thee again. 流便对他父亲说、我若不带他回来交给你、你可以杀我的两个儿子、只管把他交在我手里、我必带他回来交给你。
Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an idea. 听到街边传来的铁锤声,鲁本有了主意。
Actually, I bought my first reuben's with poker winnings. 实事上,我买第一个鲁宾司的钱是打扑克赢的。
But when Reuben heard it, he tried to deliver him out of their hand and said, Let us not take his life. 流便听见了,要救他脱离他们的手,就说,我们不可害他的性命;
The shadows were lengthening when Reuben arrived at the factory. 天色渐暗,影子越拉越长,鲁本来到了工厂。
Reuben followed the law, and rose more slowly, yet surely. 小鲁本当了律事,升得较慢,但很踏实。
The gate in the fence closes and Reuben is on the outside. 铁栅栏上的门关上了,鲁本给关在了门外头。
I have never tried an Earth sandwich: my favourite is a Reuben, a hot sandwich of beef, cheese and sauerkraut. 我从未试着制作地球三明治:我最喜欢的是夹着牛肉、奶酪和德国酸菜的热鲁宾三明治。
The man took the sacks, reached into his pocket and put four coins in Reuben's hand. 那人接过麻袋,手伸进口袋,掏出4个硬币放在鲁本手里。
I have Reuben and IRV waiting in the iimousine downstairs. 我让鲁本和尔文在楼下车里等着。
And Leah was with child, and gave birth to a son to whom she gave the name reuben: for she said, the Lord has seen my sorrow; now my husband will have love for me. 利亚怀孕生子,就给他起名叫流便(就是有儿子的意思),因而说,耶和华看见我的苦情,如今我的丈夫必爱我。
Reuben found a rusty baking soda tin and dropped his coins inside. 鲁本在那里找到一个生锈的小苏打铁罐,并把两枚硬币放了进去。