Marlborough led his armies across the Rhine and surprised the French and Bavarian armies near the village of Blenheim. 马尔伯勒带领他的部队穿过莱茵河,在离布莱尼姆村不远的地方向法国和巴伐利亚联军发动了突袭。
The River Rhine rises in Switzerland. 莱茵河发源于瑞士。
366 – The Alamanni cross the frozen Rhine River in large numbers, invading the Roman Empire. 366年的今天,阿拉曼人大量越过冰封的莱茵河,入侵罗马帝国。
The modern equivalents of castles on the Rhine are first-class lounges and corporate jets. 现代的头等舱候机室和公司商务飞机,就相当于古代莱茵河两岸的城堡。
In Basle the Rhine is so beautiful. 巴塞尔的莱茵河太美了。
By dusk the Americans had a strong bridgehead on the east bank of the Rhine. 到天黑时,美军已在莱因河东岸有了一个坚强的桥头堡。
Of or relating to the Rhine River and the lands adjacent to it. 属于或有关莱茵河或其河畔的土地的。
Stras bourg, a Rhine River port and industrial and commercial center; 斯特拉斯堡是莱茵河上的重要港口,也是工业和商业中心;
Thyssen and Krupp merged their steel operations in1997 and consolidated production in duisburg, on the rhine. 在1997年,蒂森和克虏伯合并了,开始在莱茵河畔的杜伊斯堡统一生产。
This paper introduced the development and standardization for river of EU and USA, especially about shipping modernization on Mississippi river and Rhine river, which promoted of ship standardization. 本文介绍了美国和欧盟国家在内河航运开发建设中的成功经验,特别是密西西比河和莱茵河航道和船闸的现代化建设,促进了船型标准化。
His empire extended from the Rhine across the plains into Central Asia. 他的帝国从莱茵河穿过平原,一直延伸到中亚。
In gaul, Spain and Italy and in Dacia the Latin speech still prevailed in locally distorted forms, but in Britain and east of the Rhine languages of the German group were the common speech. 在高卢、西班牙、意大利和达西亚,拉丁语依然盛行,只不过形式上受到了当地的歪曲,但是在英国和莱茵河以东,日耳曼群体的各种语言才是常用语言。
Wine from the Rhine Valley is famous all over the world. 莱茵河谷的葡萄酒闻名于全世界。
The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary. 在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。
The former capital of West Germany, in the western part of the country on the Rhine River. 波恩西德的前首都,在该国西部的莱茵河畔。
They can have occupied the territory between the danube, rhine, vistula, and the northern seas only a few centuries before our era; 他们只是在公元前数世纪,才有可能占据了多瑙河、莱茵河、维斯瓦河和北海之间的地区;
The Rhine is one of the main waterways of Germany, and the river traffic is heavy. 莱茵河是德国主要的水路之一,它的水上交通是非常繁忙的。
For some distance the Rhine forms the dividing line between France and Germany. 莱茵河构成法国和德国之间的一段分界线。
Between Bingen and Koblenz, the river enters the Rhine gorge. 河流从宾根与科布伦茨之间流入莱茵河峡谷。
Location: North East of France, between the Vosges and the Rhine river. 法国东南部,弗日山脉和莱茵河之间。
The first Rhine League was an association of merchants given legitimacy by aristocratic participation. 第一个莱茵联盟(rhineleague)是一个因贵族参与而获得合法性的商人协会。
Located on the river Rhine-where Switzerland, France and Germany meet-Basel is easy to reach. 处于莱茵河畔,巴塞尔瑞士,法国和德国的交接口,所以很容易到达。
The river Rhine flows through six European countries. 莱茵河流经六个欧洲国家。
Flood-risk management strategies for an uncertain future: living with Rhine River floods in the netherlands? 为不确定的未来实施洪水风险管理战略:荷兰,与莱茵河洪水共生存?
What makes the Rhine River so romantic? 是什么造就了莱茵河的浪漫?
I told him I had played for the British Army on the Rhine. 我告诉他,我曾为莱茵河上的英军效力。
The city of Koblenz was established at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel. 科布伦茨城建立在莱茵河和摩泽尔河的汇合处。
A picturesque region of Germany around the Rhine river. 德国的沿莱茵河的一个独特的区域。
Upper middle Rhine Valley, Germany. 德国莱茵河谷中上段。
A city in southwestern Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Neckar rivers. 德国西南部城市,位于莱茵河和内克河的交汇处。