Known as the "ace of aces" for shooting down dozens of German enemy planes, Rickenbacker took command of the squadron soon after morale hit its lowest ebb. 瑞肯波克在战斗中击落了许多的德军飞机,被认为是“王牌飞行员中的王牌”,他在飞行中队士气最低落的时候出任队长。
But, whatever the reason, Eddie Rickenbacker was thankful. 不论原因是什么,艾迪瑞肯贝克非常感谢。
As Rickenbacker was dozing with his hat over his eyes, something landed on his head. 瑞肯贝克把帽子往下拉到眼沿,正闭目养神,一个东西降在他的头上。
The man's name is Eddie Rickenbacker, a great war hero and later a great American Business leader. 这个人是埃迪瑞肯贝克先生,一位二战英雄,后来是美国企业界一位伟大的领导人。