Rioja is producing some of the finest wines available at prices that can make a Scotsman blush. 里奥哈正在出产的许多葡萄酒皆是当下的上上之选,其价位足以让苏格兰人汗颜。
With wine made in hyper-traditional and hyper-modern styles and all that falls between, Rioja is able to satisfy nearly all palates. 里奥哈不仅生产超传统和超现代风格的葡萄酒,还生产介于两者之间的所有风格,它几乎能够满足所有的口味。
Like many wine regions, Rioja went through a rather convulsive final decade of the last century. 如同许多葡萄酒产区一样,里奥哈在上世纪最后十年经历了一段狂飙突进的时期。
Rioja is my region of the year for 2011. 在我看来,里奥哈是2011年最佳葡萄酒产区。
Think of what you get when you plunk down$ 20 on a 2004 Rioja Gran Reserva, for example. 比如,想象一下你掏出20美元,购买一瓶2004年出产的里奥哈格兰华美葡萄酒(RiojaGranReserva)之后所获得的东西。
I tasted so many$ 30-and-under wines from Rioja this year that simply blew away almost all other wines at the same price point. 我今年品尝过许多30美元及不到这一价位、产自里奥哈的葡萄酒,其他相同价位的葡萄酒根本无法与其媲美。
Rioja is a region you must explore in 2012. 里奥哈是2012年必须关注的葡萄酒产区。
Manchego has an intense flavor, so enjoy it solo with bread, served with olives and meat or accompanied by a full-bodied red wine – a Rioja makes sense. 蒙契格乳酪味道浓郁,所以单独配面包吃,配上橄榄和肉,或是配一瓶醇香的红酒就是一种享受&里奥哈红酒是不错的选择。
A hot summer, Rioja started it's harvest at the end of August, until the middle of October. 八月底,里奥哈的采收季炽热展开,一直到十月上旬左右结束。
This lable means this wine was selected by the Cofradia Vino del Rioja. 这款标签意味着入选为“里奥哈葡萄酒爱好者协会用酒”。
Becquer is a full-bodied wine, great personality, honeyed and surrounding character, as it comes with traditional Rioja wines. 贝克酒体饱满,个性强,多蜜骨架感强,是西班牙传统的里奥哈特色。
Among the best-known regions is the Rioja, known for its strong, flavourful, wood-barrel-aged reds. 在这些地区里最有名的就是里奥哈,因它的浓烈的,芳香的,用木桶装的陈年的红酒。
Dry red table wine from the Rioja region of northern Spain. 西班牙北部里奥哈地区进餐时引用的干红葡萄酒。