Risley says desperate times may have helped coax North Korea away from its usual reclusiveness. 里斯利指出,局势严峻,这可能是迫使北韩脱离通常那种与世隔绝状态的原因。
Paul Risley, the World Food Program's Asia spokesman, says Burma may need aid for a year. 联合国世界粮食计划署亚洲项目发言人保罗.莱斯利说,缅甸可能一整年都需要援助。
The WFP's Risley says international food aid to the hardest-hit areas could last a year. 世界粮食计划署的里斯利说,向受灾最严重的地区提供援助可能会持续1年。
WFP spokesman Paul Risley says it is unfortunate that U.S.Navy helicopters will not be available to bring aid across the Irrawaddy Delta. 世界粮食计划署发言人保罗.里斯利说,不幸的是,世界粮食计划署将无法使用美国海军的直升机把救援物资运到整个伊洛瓦底江三角洲。
In the work process, he has known wealthy man's daughter and only successor Sarah Risley, two people fall deeply in love finally and the happy knot predestined match. 在工作过程中,他结识了富翁的女儿及唯一继承人莎拉•里斯利,两人最终坠入爱河并喜结良缘。
The62-year-old self-made fishing magnate John Risley built up a billion pound fortune after starting off with one small lobster shop in Canada in1976. 据悉,现年62岁白手起家的渔业巨头里斯雷1976年在加拿大开了一家小龙虾店,并就此积聚起上亿英镑的财富。