Robyn had the more mobile, more expressive face. 罗宾有一张更加善变、表情更加丰富的脸。
In his preoccupation with Robyn, Crook had neglected everything. 克鲁克一心想着罗宾,忽略了其他一切事情。
Robyn's loss of memory is a psychological problem, rather than a physical one. 罗宾的失忆是心理问题,而非生理问题。
Amanda had wangled a job for Robyn with the council. 阿曼达耍手段在市政部门给罗宾找了份差事。
Robyn went out to Winchester Virginia found a litter of black Labs and brought home Chester. 罗宾去了趟弗吉尼亚的温切斯特,发现了一窝黑色的拉布拉多小狗,于是,把切斯特带回了家。
A Florida schoolteacher, Robyn Gioia, tells the story of Spanish explorer Pedro Menendez who founded Saint Augustine, Florida. 一名佛罗里达教师罗宾Gioia,讲述建立圣奥古斯丁佛罗里达的西班牙探险者佩德罗•梅伦德斯的故事。
Robyn Lively starred in the80's movie Teen Witch and Eric was in the ③ Sundance awarded film Speak with Twilight's Kristen Stewart. 罗比·莱弗利主演过80年代的电影《少年巫师》,而埃里克与《吸血情圣》的女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特合作了圣丹斯电影节获奖电影《说话》。
Marshall and Robyn asked those questions of four dozen families in the summer of 2001, and also taped several of their dinner table conversations. 马沙和罗宾在2001年夏天采访了48个家庭,录下这些家庭餐桌上的几次对话。
Robyn Curnow has a look at the end of the Blaine saga. 鲁宾•克劳将带我们去看看布莱恩如何为他的这一传奇划上句号。
He blushed furiously and Robyn knew she had hit the mark. 他气得满脸通红,罗宾知道自己达到了目的。
Robyn Fieser, a spokeswoman for Catholic Relief Services, said she was confident that aid groups and the Haitian government will be prepared to respond to an outbreak should it occur in the camps. 天主教救助服务会发言人罗宾·费塞尔说,她对救援小组和海地政府应对在难民营爆发的疫情所采取的准备措施有信心。
Last year, Robyn retired from competition to pursue other career paths. 去年,Robyn从比赛退休去追寻其他事业之路。
Perhaps robyn's silly, but I think it smells really good. 或许罗宾很笨,但闻起来味道不错。
In this context, the campus culture and industry culture represented respectively by Robyn and Vic conflicts, understands and integrates during the mutually contact. 在这样的背景下,小说讲述的是由罗宾和维克两人分别代表的校园文化和工业文化在相互接触中从相互排斥、冲突到理解和融合。