In the Mus d'Orsay in Paris is a sculpture in plaster by Rodin. 巴黎的奥赛博物馆里有一件罗丹的石膏雕塑作品。
Two boys were admiring the famous statue by Rodin entitled "The Thinker". 两个男孩正在欣赏罗丹的著名雕塑《思考者》。
The city that set a better example was Boston, says Ms Rodin. 罗丁表示,树立了较好榜样的城市是波士顿。
The city, Ms Rodin says, had built a lot of redundant energy, they had invested in communications technology, new transit and the like. 罗丁表示,该市建造了大量的冗余能源,他们对通讯技术、新的交通设施以及诸如此类的东西进行了投资。
PAINTER Luo Dan's name is the Chinese transliteration of Auguste Rodin ( 1840-1917), the French sculptor famous for works such as The Age of Bronze, The Thinker and The Kiss. 画家罗丹的名字是奥古斯特•罗丹(1840-1917)的中文音译,法国著名雕塑家,作品有《青铜时代》、《思想者》和《吻》。
A life-sized figure of a nude male sits on a rock with his chin resting in one hand, as if lost deep in thought. The Thinker, the work of French sculptor Auguste Rodin ( 1840 – 1917), has been impressing people for generations. 他赤身裸体坐在一块石头上,单手拖住下巴,仿佛陷入了深深的沉思&这座真人大小的雕塑正是出自法国雕塑家奥古斯特•罗丹(1840–1917)之手的《思想者》。
Grounds of Rodin Museum sculpture garden. 罗丹雕塑园的庭院。
In the middle of the building, says Judith Rodin, president of the Rockefeller Foundation. 洛克菲勒基金会(RockefellerFoundation)的总裁朱迪思•罗丁(JudithRodin)表示:放在建筑物的中间。
I have passed my hands over a plaster cast of Michelangelo's inspiring and heroic Moses; I have sensed the power of Rodin; I have been awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving. 我的手逗留在栩栩如生的罗马及后世的大理石雕像,我的手摸遍了米开朗基罗那感人的英雄摩西石雕像,我感觉到罗丹的力量,我敬畏哥特人对木刻的热忱。
Royal Rodin means perfect annotation of dignity and art. 皇家罗丹,高贵与艺术的完美演绎。
I had better introduce myself. I am Colonel Marc rodin. 我最好还是自我介绍一下。我是马克罗丁上校。
Rodin's search was over. 罗丁的调查结束了。
Rodin was expecting an important letter from france. 罗丹正在等待一封来自法国的重要信件。
Rodin silenced him with a gesture. 罗丁打个手势,要他别讲话。
The influence of Rodin is discernible in the younger artist. 在这较为年轻的艺术家身上可以看到罗丹的影响。
Rodin is the most famous sculptor since michelangelo: people love rodin, while Michelangelo is merely respected. 罗丹是自米开朗琪罗之后最著名的雕刻家:人们热爱罗丹,对米开朗琪罗则只是尊敬。
It is possible that Rodin meant The Thinker to be a self portrait. He was an egotistical person. 《思想者》可能就是罗丹的自画像,因为他很自负。
But we found out this morning that Rodin and the other two are in rome. 今早我们查明罗丹和两个同伙在罗马。
The men Rodin carved here are facing impending death. 罗丹所雕的这些人正面临着即将来临的死亡。
As a bold innovation of the sculpture field, Rodin is the person who forms a connecting link on the classical and the modern style to the sculpture. 罗丹作为雕塑领域大胆的创新者对雕塑的古典和现代风格起到承上启下的作用。
They trusted Rodin, and were right to leave him to his instincts. 他们相信罗丹,让他凭直觉去创造&这种决定非常正确。
This could not have happened under the old programmatic approach, says Ms Rodin. 罗丁说,照洛克菲勒以往的老办法,这不可能发生。
Rodin is famous for his bronze'the thinker '. 罗丹以其青铜雕像“思考者”而闻名。
The headmaster had ceased to thump Rodin's Thinker down on the desk as an example to the young. 校长已经不再把洛丁的思考者重重地板在桌上作为年轻人的榜样了。
With his hand on his chin, the crested black macaque sat like Auguste Rodin's famous sculpture The Thinker. 这只黑色冠猕猴脚托下巴,酷似奥古斯特.罗丹创作的著名雕塑思想者。
In any case, I came to Yale in1981 as a graduate student and I was looking for an adviser and I was kind of interviewing with a faculty member at Yale at the time named Judy Rodin. 981年,我来耶鲁上研究生,当时,我在寻找一个指导老师,我拜访了,一个叫朱迪·罗宾的老师。
Rodin was unlike his predecessor in every way. 罗丹在各方面都跟他的前辈不同。
They showed photographs of rodin, Montclair and Casson to the desk clerk. 让他们看了罗丹,蒙克雷和卡松的照片。
Artists known or believed to have suffered from dyslexia include Da Vinci, Picasso, Rodin and Andy Warhol. 据悉,具有阅读障碍的大师级人物不少,有达芬奇、毕加索、罗丹以及安迪·沃霍尔。